Thursday, December 4, 2008

"I'm talking about what people perceive, not about what's real."

I had sent out the below resume to a training stable a couple of weeks ago, and didn't receive a response. I then remembered the quote on October 13 from a seasoned trouper from across the water, which I have used as a header. No way do I want to be a "soft target." I couldn't believe after 34 years I had forgotten the "circus mantra" for success, so I immediately sent the above recent photo of myself to the aforementioned training stable yesterday. I am waiting to hear back, so wish me luck.

My Resimay
To hoom it mae cunsern,I waunt to aply for the job what I saw in the paper.

i kin trane a horce lik nobodes bisness.

I kin Type realee qwik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.

I think I am goud on the fone and I no I am a pepole person,

Pepole realee seam to reespond tou me well.

Sertaine mans and al the ladys.

I no mi speling is not tou goud but find that I

Ofen can get a job wit my persinalety.

Mi salerery is open so we kin discus wat you want to

paye me and wat you think that I am werth,

I kin start emeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser.

hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.

Wade Burck


Rebecca Ostroff said...

I only have one thing to say, "spellcheck"
I am hysterically funny in or out of the kitchen!

Anonymous said...


That will work for me.....come to Mamma..........

Of course with all that muscle I shouldn't ever have to pick up another pile of manure........

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Who did you get to type that horse $&#@ for you? I know it wasn't you, cause a couple of words were correct,,lol

And take that picture of me down,, I am not allowed to be half nekid on the internet any more

cwdancinfool said...

Jody - Somehow I knew you would find a use for this guy (the one in the picture, not Mr. Burck). After all, you're only as old as the men you feel.


Wade G. Burck said...

"only as old as the men you feel!!" That's very, very good. LOL

Anonymous said...

Classic Wade that I remeber.

Anonymous said...

So very very true.......that should be on a Hallmark Card...

I promise to act surprised when he shows up at my barn with a great big bow around him.........

Anonymous said...

I knew there was some reason that Weighed existed.

Wade G. Burck said...

You see Mate, I'm about fair play. Even if I just gave your Queens calvary a bit of a clout and you feel the need to give me a hiding. LOL
That is a heck of a festival lineup in Italy as Raffaele mentions. Are you able to make any of them?

Anonymous said...

It's Frickin Freezing here this morning. Had to knock ice off water troughs with the elephant hook Harry Locker gave me.. And my help hasn't shown up yet.......Where is he WADE???/

cwdancinfool said...

Jody - Ice? In Texas? Come on back to good ol' Lake County. The snow is almost deep enough for Wade to snorkel in and we are having a heat wave - it's up to 29 degrees this morning.


Wade G. Burck said...

When people used to ask me why I lived in Illinois, I told them, "because it's further south, and is warmer then North Dakota."

Anonymous said...

No thank you. I left there in 81 to get away from the cold..
Either I need to cut back on horses or I need to go somewhere else where the temp stays above 75.
The older I get the thinner my blood gets....

cwdancinfool said...

Wade - That's true, it is warmer and further south. Personally, I like the variety of seasons and I'm looking forward to moving to New Hampshire, where the weather is the same and not as many people.
