Saturday, December 20, 2008

For Rebecca--Researching and asking guestions--Being an asshole or truly caring?

From Scott Riddle

We loaded the elephants in Oakland, Calif. on a container ship, The Alligator Hope owned by a Japanese Co. called Mitsui. We loaded them by twos in a metal container lifted by a giant crane,white knuckle stuff, but they all stayed calm and loaded without incident. The Japanese carpenters had made us a wooden platform on level with deck so we had a picket line set up and we could turn the elephants loose and exercise them. We had containers full of hay and grain and the trailers for the elephants were special made to be legal on Japanese roads. It took us thirteen days (counting going over the intern. date line) to sail into Tokyo Bay-- the voyage was an adventure but killed any fantasies I might of ever have about being a sailor. We were well fed and the elephants never showed any signs of discomfort. In Japan we were well treated and they seemed to love the show--although they saw no humor in the clown car. I spent a lot of time with Johnny Herriott over there and enjoyed our talks. Johnny is not only a great trainer and showman but also a great guy. His whole family as well as Buckles' is what it's all about. If you are interested, I will try to find some pictures and more info on the tour as I remember it.


That white knuckle stuff you describe, are you sure the elephants didn't experience it also, when they didn't appear to experience any discomfort.
Wade Burck
If this comment makes the afternoon addition, we should gain some additional insight.


Wade G. Burck said...

This comment in regards to Ringling rehashing costumes, made the cut. But the question for my/our understanding to Scott Riddle didn't. What do we assume from that? Did I assume right, or wasn't it a question worth asking?

Wade G. Burck said...

The construction costumes were a rehash from the 87-88 Gautier elephant production. I guess they made every effort to keep the nut down.
Wade Burck

Big Al said...

The last comment was mine I forgot to log in first.

In rereading Mr. Riddles post he says the elephants remained calm and loaded without incident.

Doesn't that answer your question?

Wade G. Burck said...

Big Al,
Not at all. Was he inside the crate/truck that was being lifted aboard. Elephants have an apprehension crossing bridges or going up elevators. Was there an assumption they didn't experience anything? Would there have been harm in having Scott respond, if there wasn't something there? I am not assuming they did feel anything white knuckle, just basing my thoughts on similar situations. Are you saying they didn't feel anything white knuckle?

Big Al said...

I would have to think animals were nervous.

I just don't see the need to challenge buckles on his blog. Just as it is your right to decide what gets posted on yours.

This may or may not be relevant to this discussion but...

I live in Pittsburgh the Pittsburgh Zoo was in the news last week because they are opening an elephant breeding conservation center some 100 miles from Pittsburgh. The first elephant that was sent to the center was Jack now called Jackson (formerly Allan Campbell and Bobby Moore)

The Zoo representative said that even though Jackson hasn't been moved since 1994 he was very easy to transport and eagerly loaded onto the truck because it was a former Circus elephant.

Now considering the fact that as most would have us believe that circus elephants are treated inhumanly and suffer a great deal from traveling with a circus why would this elephant eagerly load in a truck that surely must have brought back terrible memories and caused great stress?
Or could it be possible that elephants quite often do well with circuses.

Thank you for this blog we may not always agree but I do find it interesting.

Merry Christmas
Big Al

Wade G. Burck said...

Big Al,
No offense, but I didn't challenge Buckles. Did anybody see me asking Scott Riddle(which Big Al with his animal wisdom was kind enough to answer for me. Christ) a question as a challenge to Buckles? I think you have been censored enough Big Al, you don't know what is what. If it has a name it gets posted no matter what. If it doesn't have a name it doesn't get posted. That was decided early on. On a few occasions when I have posted anonymous my reader were upset. You have something to say put a name one it. I never asked you for your name, as I guess I wrongly assumed it was Al Stencil. Now that I am not sure, heres what you need to do. Email me at with a full introduction. That's how everybody did it at the beginning. We don't run an anonymous or cute name deal here. If you have something valid, you should have a name. I ask a question for my knowledge as an animal trainer, and you answer for me with your years of experience, and tell me not to challenge somebody who I wasn't asking. You suggest it was answered correctly, I say I don't think based on this, and you come back and say I am right, but why did I have to ask? So the world doesn't remain ignorant putz's you silly ass sod, and misinterpret what Zoo Directors say. Again no disrespect, but your jackpots have become skewed, Pal.
That remark about the elephant was in regards to the fact that it had been taught to load in a truck, don't read endorsement of it's life into anything. She could load whether she was in the rodeo, the Super bowl, or the Academy Awards, the circus afforded her the opportunity to learn to load. The circus was where it was taught. Why was it not in the circus any more, Big Al. As long as you know more then Scott Riddle, you should know that. One of the names you mentioned had alcohol and cocaine in his system at his autopsy, again no disrespect but that is not a trainer of any animal let alone elephants. Do you know how many elephants were damaged at the hands of the restaurateur the other name you mentioned.
You brought it up Big Al, you need to get as I said you jackpots right. Take your tinted glasses of. It is not a bad world, the world of the circus, in fact it is a wonderful great world. But it is not Shangra la. Nothing is perfect. The longer you are in something you realize that. Have I ever tried to tell you what is up with your world? How dare you tell me what is up with mine.

Wade G. Burck said...

Big Al,
Semi apology. You have to right to tell me who has lived in this world for 34 years what is what. No right at all. I am not interested in looking at old pictures of the good old days. No disrespect to my "roots" but I am more interested in today, and addressing "what happened", and hope that we have something for the future. This blog was started in an "effort" to balance the "fact's." That's why if you have a name or I know who you are, you can express an opinion, expecting it to be debated as it is an opinion and not a fact.