Tuesday, December 23, 2008

For Ben Trumble--Chasing the Euro or making deep pockets deeper.


B.E.Trumble said...

Recession at home...Go abroad. Hey, it worked for James Bailey.

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you want to lay odds on the cage act? It will be interesting to see if it is a show that goes over, or a name, picking up acts in Europe.
Rumor about the Japanese show, filled with speculation and jackpots was that the Japanese promoters/sponsers said, "wait a minute, that's not the show we saw!!!"
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I admit this has little or nothing to do with the post, but I was wondering if The Great Burck would be kind enough to delve in to his memory of his extensive experience of training a wide variety of animals and tell us

What is the most humane way to get reindeer to fly?

Wade G. Burck said...

The one time I saw them "trained", it looked like a relatively simple process. A bunch of little men put harness on the reindeer, hooked them up to a sleigh, and chased them off a mountain top. I think the adage, sink or swim was the reason for it's success. I'm not sure if that is actually "training" in the traditional sense of the term, or if it was some kind of hard wired survival instinct at work. That's all I know about the subject.
Cheers Mate,

Wade G. Burck said...

The thoughts of an "insider" who loves the blog but is too terrified of the warmth and fuzziness of the industry to respond, sent this email thought. LOL

Wade, I think the circus poster you posted today on the blog is a 'by special request' yet you never see the actual letter, followed by a 'triumphant return' yet you never actually see the box office receipts. Often successful at both ends of the trip.

Anonymous said...

I need to be very careful here as my memory is not that great anymore. I was on the second RBBB visit to Japan and although we had King Tusk, all of the Tusk show props, music, choreopgrphy, and such, many of the acts were not the same ones seen in the US version of the show. Unfortunately, all of my programs, photos, and such are down in Alabama and I'm working in St. Louis so I don't remember all of the differences. There was some disagreement with the promotors over the content. The cage act was different, the elephants were different, etc. I cannot remember all of the issues but they were there. The previous visit had produced good crowds and apparently made money for someone. Our visit had dismal attendance anthough we did perform every scheduled show. There were delays in Osaka getting the tent erected and we still got paid while waiting daily word as to when we could begin our load in, rehearsals, etc. At least I got to see a lot of Osaka's many sights, learn a bit of Japaneese, and enjoy myself. I would visit the lot every day and see nothing happening other than Jonny, Gary, and Roy exercising the elephants, etc. with nothing happening on the Japaneese end. The showgirls and clowns did rehearsals for the dances and stuff in a hotel ballroom for a bit each day.
A lot of us technical crew had worked on preparing, and loading the equipment as well as providing the lighting for the St. Petersburg TV taping so we knew what we were going to do to load in so that and the rehearsal process went smoothly. There was just no business. There were some great moments that happened but no ublic to see them. Charly Bauman did an amazing job with keeping everyone on their toes and upbeat even when there were no people in the seets. Our little ensemble of almost 300 pros did our job and made the best of it.
Japanese business is very complex and difficult to understand for folks like me so I don't know a lot of details as to what happened.
I did get the lucky enough to be asked to stay after closing in Tokyo to stay with the horses, llamas, and camels and fly the camels and llamas home after a lot of business dealings and health stuff by Dr. Hauck (sp?) to get them out of Japan and into the US. The crew of our 747 freighter let me sit in the cockpit for take off and landings, and even let me fly the aircraft with the autopilot off while over the Pacific. Customs in Ankorage took my sneakers because there was animal manure in the soles and there was some "fish and wildlife" form that needed some signature but when we got to New York, I had to force the fish and wildlife person to even look at thae form that I had to fight to get signed in Anchorage.
Hope this European thing goes a bit better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks for the reindee training tips and have a happy holiday


Does someone has any information about this tour?
Which artists? which animals?

Wade G. Burck said...

All I know is what the advance publicity says:

Live from Las Vegas for the First Time in Europe, Producer Kenneth Feld presents(he's been there)

Kidding aside, I know the cage act,and I know one that turned down the tour, but under threats of death can not divulge it at this time. You will note the dates of Oct-Nov, When do European shows start shutting down for the year, and making ready for festival time in Dec-Jan.? That may be an indicter of what "artists" will be utilized. And don't start with, because they are better. It is cheaper to buy a car after you arrive, then to take on over with you.

I got this down load from Switzerland yesterday. I am surprised you aren't telling us, Christopher. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

I might mention that Christopher has an interesting interview on his Circus News blog, with Alexis Gruss. It is of course in French, but for those of you versed in the language it will be of interest. My brother interpreted it for me.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burck about the rumors when the ringling show went to japan well when we were with the Monte Carlo in Australia and japan it was a total diffrent show then what was in the states. in fact i think only 3 acts that were with Monte Carlo in the states got to go the rest were either Australian or just put togeather including Charley Bauman s cat act . CleanRaul.elephants and horses were independent acts and went on the same boat . the performers were the only ones flown .CleanRaul

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burck about the rumors when the ringling show went to japan well when we were with the Monte Carlo in Australia and japan it was a total diffrent show then what was in the states. in fact i think only 3 acts that were with Monte Carlo in the states got to go the rest were either Australian or just put togeather including Charley Bauman s cat act . CleanRaul.elephants and horses were independent acts and went on the same boat . the performers were the only ones flown .CleanRaul

Wade G. Burck said...

That's exactly the way I heard it from a member of the "marketing firm" that "sponsored" the tour. I think part of it was that "Exclusive from Las Vegas" deal. Once the Japanese citizens realized "The Largest Land Mammal walking the Earth" was not Godzilla they realized they had been flim-flamed, and the Japanese fans couldn't convince them that it didn't matter. LOL
Paul Kaye, the Producer of the Evansville Turkey Festival, took shows over to Japan for a number of years that sold out. The year I went the had the big white tiger act, Albert Rix's cage bear act, Carmen Hall's Baboons, The Flying Redpaths, Bobby Moore's dogs, etc. and we were sold out 3 weeks in advance, with the police called out each night to disperse the crowds that could not get in. I think it has a lot to do with a great show, as advertised.
You don't have to convince me Charly did a great job of maintaining control, that's a bouncers job.
There was a "Clash of the Titans" because the tour folded that ended in a lawsuit with a princely settlement. Who was it? Have there been any Hawthorn cage act's on the Greatest Show on Earth since 1988? Europe actually thinks cage acts are brought over here because they are great acts.
Good story, Thank you.

Wade G. Burck said...

Clean Raul,
Totally different deal. The tours you mention, were self promoted under their own flag, partnering with Monte Carlo back when the festival was legit(sounds up and up). In the case of the second Japanese tour the show was seen, signed and then something else showed up ala Exclusive From Las Vegas, or buying a Ford and they deliver a Chevy.

Anonymous said...

Wade, you nailed the situation with the ford - chevy thing. I gess the Japaneese were expecting Gunther and got the Palacios and seat warming heyenas. It was a good show - lots of talent and spectacle, but not the show seen in the US. I've got lots of stories about this "tour" but none of them belong here.
As an acrobat, aerialist, and technician, I have to admit that the people most responsible for my enjoying myself on this trip to Japan, were the Hawthorne elephant crew - John Walker, Gary Thomas, and Roy Wells. They made me welcome in the elephant barn, bought me way too many Asahi beers, and made a difficult situation a lot more fun.
Although I never got to work one of them, I remember the Paul Kaye Japan dates quite well and all the glowing reports from folks I knew who worked them. While I had a great experience in Japan, I was let down by my experience with RBBB as far as the whole experience. It was the animal department that made my trip workwise a lot of fun.
I have a hard time deciding whther I treasure my year with Charly or my year with Gunther among my fondest memories while in the mainstream industry. I was fortunate to become true friends with both outside the ring curb.
People often ask me if I miss the circus. In all honesty, it is not the circus I miss, it is the people. I miss Tommy, Struppi, Charly, Gunther, Roy, Gary, Ruben, Manuel, Victor, Mario, Albert and Jennette, Stacy and Muriel, - wait a minute, most of these people are animal folks. Strange, isn't it?
Got to get me some reindeer - I kind of like that flying thing the seem inclined to do.

Wade G. Burck said...

The Hawthorn Elephant Dept. was well known at that time for their open bar.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

This is a tour produced by Applauso Inc., the Italian representants of Feld live shows in Italy. The tour will use the regular Italian fall circuit of ice shows, Disney live etc. that are pretty well doing here, so there's a built family audience and a good working marketing. It wil play three sport buildings in Torino, Milano, Rome.
I imagine this will piss off most of our italian circuses, mainly Americano. I also believe most of the audience will mistake this for Americano. Hyronically, two of the three buildings they will play, belongs to a branch of Togni family.

Wade G. Burck said...

Of course it will piss Americano off. It pissed(if I can borrow your Italian translation LOL) many, many folk when Flavio came here, and took work away from them. Difference was nobody had anything comparable to his offering. That is not always the case, but in his case it was. I assume the folks in Italy will realize they will not see the Greatest Show on Earth, and that GGW is no longer with us, but rather a smaller, conducive to small buildings version which is the Better then Anybody Else Show on Earth.
Competition is the greatest motivator on the planet. Producing greater achievements which produce greater compensation.

Wade G. Burck said...

Given the dates of the tour, Oct-Nov. when American shows basically shut down, and European shows kick into festival mode, I am speculating on a tour being extended into that "festival" time, in neighboring countries. Given the Hanukkah connection not a Christmas festival per say, but maybe a "Snow Ball" with ice sculptures instead of Christmas trees for ambiance. I promise there are going to be a lot of folks that all of a sudden get the impression that their act is really something because they were on Ringlings.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

According the acts being contacted here for participation, you're getting the point.

Wade G. Burck said...

Of course I am getting the point. It would be economically more feasible to do it that way. There are going to be more then a few self promoting lame artists who will hang a " It's not Ringling's anymore" medal on their chest along with there "MC clown" medal, and their "Massey" medal, and their "festival" bars to spin themselves into immortality like an Eisenhower who earned his.
I'll bet you 50 Euro's right now there are going to be Fans/friends who will try to equate a particular act with the same historical significance of Gunther Gebel Williams arriving on our shores when it was truly The Greatest Show on Earth, with a lesser version signing up what's left due to financial considerations.

Anonymous said...

Mr De Ritis

Do you know if Ringling will bring his own Elephants to Europe (which seems to be very difficult) or book a European act? Maybe the American Circus Elephants LOL


Raffaele De Ritis said...

Dear anonymous,
as far as I know there are elephant negotiations going on,but I don't think is fair from my part to share this in the blog.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

I don't think this operation will represent a major risk for the company. It will use an established circuit, with a marketing strategy that is basically different from the standard circusgoers in Italy.
They aims to a kind of upscale family audience, that have money enough to spend for Disney live, Disney on Ice and to buy the related imports of Sells-Floto goods. Regular big top circuses in Italy costs less.
And, no matter what the quality of the acts (probably some of the same you can see in the country's circuses), the production value will be considerably respectable, if such can be said of the "hometown unit" standard.
I am sure that at Hagenbeck-Wallace shops there is plenty of choice to wich floats or banners clean the dust from.
A positive point is that peoples here don't have expectations in what Ringling name historically represents in magnitude, also ignoring their three-ring reputation.
The same can be said of the following dates in Spain, where circus performance standards are lesser than Italy. But they will be forced to keep the animals away when in Barcelona.

Wade G. Burck said...

I enjoy a discussion with you immensely. It is similar to sitting in a quite surrounding sipping a fine
brandy, instead of a knife fight in a deserted shipyard ala On the Waterfront.
I won't assume to know more about your countryman's thought then I will assume the same with Christopher and his. That is like a fan telling me what makes some one a good animal trainer. It is an idea based on only a perception. That said, I think the world as a whole is much more aware then they are given credit for regardless of the nationality. We want to "think" they are still the isolated country folk that have traditionally been entertained by the circus, but I sure don't equate upscale with sophistication and awareness.
I think the great success of the Moscow Circus initially was the "perceived" connection to the Bolshoi Ballet. When the quality of the show faltered so did the perceived connection to the Bolshoi Ballet. I think advertising like, Exclusive from Las Vegas attempts at that perception, and if it doesn't fulfill it fails, and I think Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey is perceived as big, massive, gigantic. grand, where ever you live. I find it interesting on the poster that the the word CIRCUS overwhelms Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey. Maybe an effort to stay away from big, massive, gigantic, grand, but as you suggest market with the logo? I also note the use of clowns and elephants, a Ringling marketing mainstay for the past 8 or 9 years. And two former major headliner clowns are now in Europe. I wonder if that is an advance team of sorts?
How big do you think the Hagenbeck- Wallace storage building is, and how may years of magnificence is stored there? I sure wouldn't look for the King Neptune spec. LOL