Saturday, December 20, 2008


Live from Las Vegas for the First Time in America-- White Tigers.

What would you interpret by reading the heading on this post, and what show would you assume this tiger came from or who owned it? What does "Live from Las Vegas for the First Time in America." suggest to you? Would you believe this person if they told you their animals were cared for the best?


Anonymous said...

I assume that this was an advertisement from a Siegfried and Roy show in the 1980's? However, any of us with a knowledge of white tiger history is aware that S & R did not have the first ones in America. (See Mohini's Legacy, October 29). S & R tell quite a few fairy tales. I suggest that the claim that their animals are cared for the best could very well be one of them.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Wade, it dawned on me that this could also have been a Hawthorn advertisement. In any case, my original opinion stands. Anyone who has attempted to alter white tiger history has damaged their own credibility, and any claims that they make about animal care are to be viewed with a critical eye.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Should have read this before I posted other.
I better stay away from the cats..I always end up in the dog pound.LOL