Friday, December 26, 2008

Circus photo magazine--Leendert Bedijn, Editor

I received a complimentary copy of of this magazine the other day and it is a beauty. Just enough text(in English) to describe what you are seeing and the rest page after color page of show set up/back yard scenes in Europe. It is published quarterly and can be ordered at the above address. I want to thank Editor Leendert Bedijn for sending the fine magazine for review and commend his staff of Fan photographers on a fine effort in producing a publication illustrating the quaintness and beauty of European Circus.


Rebecca Ostroff said...

Delightful photos!Are you sure you are not kind of a circus fan???
The Enchanting Miss Rebecca

Wade G. Burck said...

If you are equating "circus fan" to someone who loves it with their life, yes. That has been documented for half my life. If you are equating "circus fan" to someone who thinks it's perfect, no. You have the wrong person.