Thursday, November 20, 2008

Unknown Equestrian

Europe has a number of beautiful glossy circus publications available and De Piste is one of them. Most of the material is about today's circus, which I feel is the most important, with a sprinkling of old. The old really puts into perspective the downsizing that has occurred, and most of the same faces appear on the covers. I would hope it is because it has gotten so small, and it is not a personal publicity campaign. That type of action is what lead us to the current state.


Anonymous said...

I don't recognise the lady, but De Piste is the magazine of the Dutch CFA, and is certainly regarded as a quality publication, even by those whose Dutch is minimal.

Anonymous said...

Edith Richter, Florian's wife?

Anonymous said...

Yes it's Edith Richter the picture is taken at the Wereldkerstcircus at the Carré in Netherland.