Sunday, November 30, 2008

Speaking of inadequate space, this situation even eliminates a beast wagon and animal tents.

Bullring Circus, common for shows traveling in Spain
I have been told.


Raffaele De Ritis said...

Above is Americano (Faggioni family) in Madrid.

Under, is Circo Acquatico (Zoppis Family) in Barcelona (funny, I just passed by it half hour ago).

They both are in the arena November thru February.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

By the way, Barcelona city council doesn't allow animals with circuses. So the problem is eliminated at his roots.

Wade G. Burck said...

Are both shows there at the same time in the bull ring, or at different locations.
I heard they were getting tough with bull fighting. Do you have any information about that. Barcelona residents raised hell when the zoo didn't euthanize Snowflake in a timely fashion instead letting him linger for a day or two so that people could pay their respects.
Be safe,