Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sergio Galan--Pablo Hermoso

I have posted pictures in the past of Pablo Hermoso, and I posted pictures the other day of Sergio Galan, arguably the two best rejoneadors living today. As I stated early on at the start of this blog, one of my dreams is to one day be able to compete as a rejoneador. I have been a member of a rejoneador "discussion group" for about 6 years, and there is now a heated debate over which one of these gentleman are the best. It is similar to the Beatty/Gebel debate until you get down to training/horsemanship. Based on horsemanship I have always liked one of them better then the other. Look at these two tapes, particularly you horse people, and I think it is obvious who is the best. Sergio Galan is on the first tape, and Pablo Hermoso is on the second tape.


Anonymous said...

I'll take Pablo Hermoso

Wade G. Burck said...

That's the same thing I have been telling those clowns on the discussion group, and they have suggested I am nut's. They have also suggested I stay the hell out of Spain, and mind my own maldito Gringo negocio!!!! LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

How about those crazy "running side passes" and the turn on the haunches? Is there a name for those "running side passes," or is that just improvising to thrill the crowd.