Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nina Ruge

Does anybody have information about this lady? Is she still working? I have never heard of her.


Anonymous said...

Her name is Ritha Labahn, she works in 2003 in Circus Herman Renz with the tigers from the peters farm. In 2002 she works in a german circus also with the tigers from peters. This season she works with 3 elephants in Cirque Medrano in France. From 2004 until 2007 she works with the peters farm and with many different little circuses and galas.

Anonymous said...

I maked a fold. Nina Ruge is a german tv-star but she works with stars in ther manege with the tigers of rita labahn.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. I am going to send you a picture of me for you to use as your blog identifying picture instead of that clown Emile Smith picture you are using. LOL