Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marni Doc

This is the lady Jim Clubb mentioned the other day. Is this one of your act's Jim?


Anonymous said...

I know that she was Circus Luis Knie in 1998 and in Cirque A. Gruss in 1999 with this tigers... Does anybody knows in witch years she was with the Jim Clubb mixed act ?

Anonymous said...

This is a Dickie Chipperfield act.
Marnie had what was left of Jim Clubb's mixed act after the act had been sold, after 2001.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. That would have been after she left Hawthorn, that she had the Clubb act. Where is Marnie at now, do you know?

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard of Marine for ages. At one time (before she started working the cage act) she was a human cannonball!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're welcome.

Marnie and I met when we both did the Massey Circus Festival in 1998. She had this tiger act. I have a picture of her pretending to steal Jim Clubb's Crystal Chapiteau from me after the mixed act won.

She replaced me as the cage act with these tigers on Louis Knie's show in '98. She came and went from Hawthorn, then worked the mixed act after it was sold. John Illig worked the mixed act after me, and before Marnie.

I took her place at Hawthorn about the same time in 2001. Had I known there would be a change in personnel shortly thereafter, I would have stayed home.

Last I heard Marnie was living in England. Palacios would know. Maybe ask them.
p. white

Anonymous said...

In witch circusses were you and John Illig with the mixed act?


Anonymous said...


I had the mixed act on Louie Knie's show in '97. John Illig joined me in Monte Carlo in Jan. '98, then we traveled to Zurich, Switzerland and stayed with Rene Strickler for a few weeks, while John learned the act.

We then went together to Munich, and did the February Circus Krone date; I worked the act, John was also there and practiced. Following that we went to Holland with the Russian State Circus, where John took the act, and I went home in the spring of '98.

I really loved the mixed act, and would have been delighted to stay with it indefinitely. However, my son, after having come to Europe with me, was still in high school and was staying with his Grandma after having flown home for school. So I was obliged to go home too, after my contract concluded. That's the only reason I left the act. I missed Jeremy the Bear the most.

Anonymous said...

Until when did the palacios present the act, and when did you took over pat and in witch circusses. And from were do you have the picture Wade?

Anonymous said...

Palacios had the mixed act from it's inception in late 1985, and worked it on various circuses including RBBB, and Kinoshita Circus in Japan.

In 1994 in Japan on Kinoshita, the act was turned over to David Laurie and Tina Stiff, who worked the act there through 1996. I was also in Japan at that time with a tiger act on a different circus. They then took the act to Louis Knie's Ostereiccher National Circus in Austria.

I replaced David and Tina on Louie Knie's show in 1997.

John Illig took the act halfway through 1998, and 1999 in Holland, Russian State Circus.

Tina Michon then took the act in 2000, when the act was sold. She may have worked it in Belgium and Spain, but I'm not certain. Tina may also have had the act in 2001.

Then Marnie replaced Tina, I think she worked it in Spain too,
but I don't know which show or for how long.

Then the act was dissolved, maybe sometime in 2003.

Wade G. Burck said...

Now there are names I have never heard of David Laurie and Tina Stiff. Boy I thought certain Hawthorn animals had a lot of handlers!!!

Anonymous said...

Pat thanks for the information, but I think the Palacios present the act since 1987 and not 1985 because Luis Palacio was with Jim Clubb lions in 1985 en 1986 in Hippodrome and Blackpool ?


Wade G. Burck said...

Blackpool was where Luis Palacio was almost killed by a male lion, and I believe your date is correct.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I bet those cats just "loved" seeing a new face in the arena,,,lol

Wade G. Burck said...

It is one of the purest forms of abuse, one of many that have never been addressed or studied. But we can sure build bigger enclosures, that the public can see, and we can reference as our love. Yet there are so many other thing's over looked.

Anonymous said...

Yes that male lion was called Blanco Jim Clubb took over the act and later Emile Smith did

Wade G. Burck said...

Assuming of course, without Blanco.