Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lion X Leopard/Leopard X Lion exhibit in Osaka, Japan

Emile said he took these photos in Osaka, Japan and I assume they are deceased members of the Osaka Zoo "conservation efforts" that Richard Reynolds mentioned earlier. I would also think that the larger animals had a lioness as a mother, and the smaller ones had a leopardess as a mother.
Photo's courtesy of Emile Smith.


Anonymous said...

Wade, history and pictures of these animals when they were alive can be found at:
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Wade, in the article I just mentioned, Sarah Hartwell explains/speculates/shows photos of how a male leopard mates with the much larger lioness.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Why would visual aids be necessary? Isn't it self explanatory? They do it like any other mammal.

Ryan Easley said...

Fascinating website, Mary Ann. Thank you very much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wade, in some of the photos, the lioness is lying on her side.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
And?? Larger mares will do that for a pony stallion. When a women wants something, the contortions they are capable of is amazing at times. Also members of the same species felines will turn their hips and lay on their side when mating. It is a way to use the back feet and "kick out" afterwards, to keep from getting bit and whacked around.

Anonymous said...

Wade, why didn't you explain this when I asked on the ti-liger post on November 2, how does a tiger mate with the large ligress. I know about human women, but I'm not the Dr. Ruth of felines you know. LOL
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Because it was no big deal, I just assumed everyone knew. I have been watching it since I was a kid.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, there are many other sections to that website, if you noticed. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Mary Ann

Ryan Easley said...

Yes Mary Ann, I explored the site in its entirety. There are some very fascinating subjects, and I look forward to having the time to educate myself more. I don't know that much about the big cats, but Wade's blog has provided an excellent venue to learn from multiple sides of the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, I truly agree with that statement. As I mentioned before, I knew zilch about horses before coming here, and now at least I don't sound like a total idiot. I also appreciate the sex education about felines. All the cats both large and small that I have ever observed mating were doing it in the standard position. It's nice to know that they are as creative as we humans are. LOL
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Ryan you devil, it just dawned on me that if you "explored the site in its entirety", you found the famous Saran Wrap pictures. LOL However, I don't think that they detract from her credentials as a brilliant researcher, any more than Wade's "bearskin rug on the nice wood floor" picture detracts from his professionalism. They just make the site that much more enjoyable for those who want to educate themselves. Now don't everyone go running over there all at once to look, her server has crashed before from too many hits at once.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I have to tell you. That was not me on the bear skin rug. I couldn't grow a mustache on my best day. It was a play on Circus Vargas and their "practices of old.

Ryan Easley said...

Saran wrap? Wow I missed that one. Still looking now...

Anonymous said...

Ooo-wee, Saran Wrap discovered, thanks Mary Ann for the heads up.