Friday, November 14, 2008

Dianna Rodin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wade ---

Don't quite know where to put this.
But yesterday while everyone else was watching college football, I happened to switch to TCM --- and saw parts of "Ring of Fear." Saw it has a kid. Don't remember the plot. But it was filmed on the Clyde Beatty Circus. So as a kid, I watched the acts, not the movie plot. Yesterday, I happened to tune in on Clyde Beatty's act. Featured black-maned male lions.
A fighting act. Big part of the act was to get a 7-lion lie-down.
Also saw the lion charge the cage door as Beatty exited. I'm a townie. So I don't know the finer points of wild animal trainer. But for sheer thrills and chills, he was an amazing showman. Armed only with a whip, a blank pistol, and a chair, he was amazing facing the big cats. You wonder if he's going to get out of the cage alive. --- ToddP