Thursday, November 20, 2008

Circus Roncalli


joey ratliff said...

I saw this act on video and
i really enjoyed it. Do you know this fellow name or background. The no-hands riding was very Garrocha like.

Wade G. Burck said...

His first name is Yuri, and last name possibly Ruzilo. I don't think Garroca like. Garrocha is a very highly trained, very controlled discipline. This is just some more of that no bridle, no saddle lean out of balance with a neck rope nonsense that is all the rage today. Not real tough in a controlled environment hence every body is doing it. But not many professionals I note. I have a couple more picture of practice, I will run in a day or two.

joey ratliff said...

Point taken but the horse is wearing a bit, bridle and saddle in this picture and he did use the lines in the video I saw of it..

Wade G. Burck said...

I saw a video of him working "naked" and I thought you were referring to the same video. One of the pictures I will post shows him practicing bridle less. Madame Col's jodhpurs are going to be in a knot when she sees his feet.