Friday, November 21, 2008

Aurelia Cats--Conflicting interests????

People from "outside" often times have a difficult time understanding how the "circus world" works. When it is suggested that it is comprised of self serving individuals, who's greatest desire is "getting theirs," with no regard to the damage to the industry or as has been suggested "jackals fighting over scraps," there is a great outcry and uniting of said Jackals.
Our friend Raffaele suggested that in an effort at fairness and validity the Monte Carlo Festival stopped using producers. show owners, and agents as there was an obvious conflict of interest and they could influence for their gain who won and who didn't. Monte Carlo it seems has produced another commendable effort along the lines of screening jury members.

I wonder if he or anybody could explain what this business is that is manned by Aurelia Cats who was a MC jury member last year, and parlayed it into international tv appearances as a celebrity judge qualified because she is an "international circus judge" on the goofy circus/star reality show that tanked earlier this year. There have also been 8 act's on youtube for the the past year that are available through the Cat's agency Impact Artists:

Impact Artists: Aurelia Cats

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