Four acrylic panels in the simulated ice wall separating the bear and seal pools allow unobstructed underwater views between the bear and seal pools for bears, seals and visitors.

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Four acrylic panels in the simulated ice wall separating the bear and seal pools allow unobstructed underwater views between the bear and seal pools for bears, seals and visitors.
awesome ezhibit and bears should stay active watching the seals. Sea World exhibit was great when first opened with bears active, but now they sleep most of the time.
The Detroit Zoo has the world's largest and arguably best polar bear exhibit in the world. It was the AZA exhibit award winner in 2003.
"...This state-of-the-art, $14.9 million, interactive facility encompasses over four acres of outdoor and indoor exhibits...In addition to experiencing polar bears in a vast, open tundra, guests will encounter other Arctic animals including the Arctic Fox..."
Then there is the underwater polar passage pictured.
"...Visitors then arrive in an "ice world," passing through a frigid ice cave and finally entering an exploration station with additional indoor viewing..."
Wade published pictures of the tundra and pack ice parts of the exhibit on Wednesday, June 4, 2008.
Mary Ann
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