Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unknown liberty Act

I have been told that this is Banda, Circus Krones long time elephant trainer. Does anybody know?


Anonymous said...

Banda Vidane presented liberty horse acts in Franz Althoff Circus 1965/lipizzaners/and the Circus Scott with Togni's horses in 1973-74.Wade Many Thanks for the Dorita Konyot photo and the Gena Moroski article.Best wishes László.

Anonymous said...

I would doubt that it's Banda Vidane, but maybe Bill Strong could give a better opinion, given that they worked together on Krone.
This probably a Togni act, going by the "CA" above the ring entrance. I reckon that stands for American Circus or Circo Americano, particularly with the decoration.


Wade G. Burck said...

Laszlo and John,
Is it possible that CA stands for Circus Althoff, and these are black Lipizzaners. They appear bigger then an Arabian, and the don't seen to have the feathers of a Freisian.
Thanks for the information.

Raffaele De Ritis said...

This is Circo Americano Togni in the Sport Hall of Bilbao, Spain, spring 1973.
The trainer could be as well Banda, or Willi Togni, or Bruno Togni. They alternated at the time in presenting three different groups of liberty and the epephant herd.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. I note in many older photos, that it was common for Togni and others to work with out a ring for part of the performance and just a big open oval area, I suppose for the large elephant numbers and such.