Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A post from Circus Vern

To all,
Last week I predicted nationwide publicity in the wake of the unfavorable Geraldo Rivera coverage last weekend which matched tid bits in the press in other areas of the country. This indicated some degree of conspiracy. Friday night, the popular 20/20 TV show aired additional unfavorable coverage.
The extremists are relying on their ability to influence the media and get their footage aired again and again. In fact, on 20/20 they had only a few minutes of vintage video and showed it repeatedly, the footage of the "Tyke-Hawaii" disaster literally reshown about 8 times. Mixed with video from overseas, and many other incidents, also repeatedly shown over the 20 minute segment. It paints zoos and circuses as the villains, and the "Sanctuary" as the heros. Much as you and I learned our multiplication tables in third grade...the extremists are teaching (via repitition) that circus elephants are mis-treated.....regardless of the truth.
Among other erroneous information:
The 20/20 piece mis-leads the public into believing that circus elephants today come from the "wild" taken from their mothers. This piece of poor news coverage doesn't even begin to qualify as "in depth" coverage of this topic. Don't we all wish that we could see equal time given to the science that takes place at the Ringling CEC for example? Or the relationships between human and elephants at the Commerford or Johnson family's facilities.....???
As circus fans we must be patient while the industry's leaders consider what is going on. If they ask us to contact the media and ask for equal time...we will do so. We must know what we can and cannot ask for and to whom the media should be directed.
Once again I call for more coordination of carefully orchestrated efforts.
Warm wishs.........
Gary C. Payne
Circus Fans Association
Animal Welfare Chairman

This statement is Animal Radical at the other end of the spectrum!!!!! I would like to ask Mr. Payne to address a couple of things. The Tyke--Hawaii disaster that offends you, does the fact that the elephant had stampeded 4 times in the past, and killed a person and injured others on that day, and initiated the passing of a law banning performing animals in Hawaii have any bearing on your statement? And speaking of "in depth" coverage, of all the elephants in entertainment/show business does the referencing of 3 organizations pretty much "cover" it? I am going to be "patient" also. Who are these industry leaders that are considering what is going on? Is there a ballot, I was not aware of? How do we get a list of these "industry leaders". Yes, my industry also, so that we may ask if they are "considering" anything self serving.
One more thing, why is OABA clicking cocktail glasses in Monaco, while we are getting hammered here?
Why don't you get the 300.00 non voting, interested party membership back, and use it as seed money for the new fund drive?
Wade Burck
Animal Trainer
Circus Lover


Gary C. Payne said...

Mr. Burck...

I cannot imagine why you felt the need to comment in the manner that you did to my post on CircusVern.

It in no way discourages me from continuing my work as an advocate for circus animals and for the circus.

All I did was to report what I saw on television. If you knew me at all you would realize how much time and effort I put into defending the rights of American's to enjoy performing animals at the circus, and the rights of circus folks to have animals that are loved and well cared for.

I represent Circus Fans of America with the best of intentions and at considerable risk without any compensation except the satisfaction of knowing that I've helped to keep animals (elephants in particular) in the circus!

As far as your "questions" put to me...they are put to the wrong person(s) sir.

I invite you to re-visit what you said to me. I do not deserve this kind of treatment.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mr. Payne,
Thank you for responding. What manner did I comment in? Was it a radical manner? I saw the same program you did, in fact posted it here after Col. Herriot requested it.
Why did I as an Animal Trainer, and member of the Circus industry for over half my life, ass deep dead in the middle of it, and not looking in through a half open door, perceive it different then you did? If you knew ME, you would realize how much time and effort I put into defending my profession and my livelihood, and the future of my son and his livelihood, as well as the future and livelihood of all young Animal Trainers of America. YOU represent Circus Fans of America? In that case, I'll represent young Animal Trainers of America, as it seems nobody else wants to, and I don't need to get compensated either, and we won't waste time discussing the risk involved. I keep using the word Animal, and you SIR, want to help "elephants in particular." That sounds suspect. One could suggest the "self serving agenda" I referenced. I am beginning to get a lead on those "industry leaders."
You have attached your self to an organization, use it to solicit funds, and you tell me I have to ask somebody else where the 300.00 came from for a non voting membership in a foreign organization? Is everybody in OABA doing what they want to do, and saying what they want to say, and doing their own deal?
I was really hoping you had come here to answer some of my questions and concerns, instead of whining and patting yourself on the back.
How dare you even consider YOUR treatment, you self centered, self appointed, pretender of the world of the Circus and elephants!!!! It's about ALL ANIMALS. Consider the TREATMENT of young men like my son, out there in the middle of it, with the world disapproving of what they do, and they just started their careers. They have no idea what happened or why it changed. I DO, YOU DON"T. Those young men and women have a nobility and dedication that you Mr. Payne can only dream of and marvel at. The sooner uniformed individuals like yourself SHUT YOUR MOUTHS, and quite acting like a "pity party radical" the better off the animal industry will all be. You fall into that "poor me" deal to readily to be any kind of a leader or spokesman. Realizing of course, that you are more then qualified to speak on the subject "elephants in particular", I sure could have used your unique talent when the trip was being loaded for Tennessee. I bet your knowledge of captive elephants would have been a great assistance in Hawaii also. There's your re-vist. I will look forward to your re re visit, and answers to my questions. Don't expect pity. Right now all my pity is for the youngster's who will probably never have the thrilling, grand, respected, competitive animal world that I did, through no fault of their own. Save a little "poor me" for them.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Wade - the first part of this post [the Circus Vern bit] is blue on blue on my screen and so I can't read what started this shindig. Is there any way that the contrast can be changed so that I can read it?

Is anyone else having this problem - it's only on this post.

