Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oscar Carre--on Laszlos TOP TEN LIST

This is the first picture I have ever seen of Oscar Carre. Thank you, Ian What is interesting about This TOP TEN LIST "competition" is that an Animal Trainer and a Fan who is an afficinato of horse acts came pretty close to the same picks. I wonder how an aerialist, a juggler, or a non partial person would have picked?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though, it would be difficult to put Oscar Carre in with the others, since no one alive has seen him work, so you'd have to go on reputation. It seems, from my research that Albert and Ernst Carre were as talented, but then again, that is from photos. Never the less, the Carre family was enourmously venerated and performed every possible act with horses, going back over 150 years. The Royal Theatre Carre in Amsterdam was built by Oscar as Circus Carre, and is still in operation today presenting international music talent and Broadway but still presents circus from time to time. Quite a legacy.
