Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let's clear up two misunderstandings at one time

Casey, this is the Bridget Bardo that I was referencing in my earlier statement about beautiful foreign women. She was 33 when my voice changed and my "you know what's" dropped, and there is nothing I can think of that I would not have held against her. She is a "bit" older in the other photo, and has many more miles on. That Bridget Bardo is the one Vincent in referring to and yes some would suggest she is a nut job. She has spent most of her once vast fortune in something she believes in, so you decide. Vincent might have to tell us more about her Circus Activism, I am not real aware of it as she spends most of her time in Europe. And as they now have organized the Elitist ECA Juggernaut she should be handleable.

Here is her bio, from about the time I accepted she wasn't going to have anything to do with me, and I moved on. LOL

In 1973 just before her fortieth birthday, Bardot announced her retirement. After appearing in more than fifty motion pictures and recording several music albums, most notably with Serge Gainsbourg she chose to use her fame to promote animal rights

In 1986 she established the Brigitte Bardot Foundation for the Welfare(don't let that word fool you) and Protection of Animals. She became a vegitarian and raised three million French francs to fund the foundation by auctioning off jewelry and many personal belongings. Today she is a strong animal rights activist and a major opponent of the consumption of horse meat( I love horses, but what else are you going to do with the junk, besides make poor liberty acts). In support of animal protection, she condemned seal hunting in Canada(actually she objected to the clubbing of seal pups, which is valid) during a visit to that country.

She once had a neighbor's donkey castrated while looking after it, on the ground of its "sexual harassment" of her own donkey and mare(what do you think Mary Ann, valid point?), for which she was taken to court by the donkey's owner in 1989. In 1999 Bardot wrote a letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, published in French magazine VSD, in which she accused the Chinese of "torturing bears and killing the world's last tigers and rhinos to make aphrodisiacs.

She has donated more than $140,000 over two years for a mass sterilization and adoption program for Bucharest's stray dogs( I have been there, it is a major problem), estimated to number 300,000. She is planning to house many of these stray animals(I can tell you what to do with them, but Casey will have other ideas) in a new animal rescue facility that she is having built on her property. The environmentally sound structure will be built out of recycled Pringles cans and reclaimed asphalt. Recently she went after the Muslims for the practice of "bleeding sheep" to death and ended up back in a French court( they didn't tell you to cover your breasts, so don't tell them how to eat a lamb chop.)


Anonymous said...

Wade, I don't think that she had the right to castrate someone else's animal for whatever reason. Maybe she is a nut job. LOL
Mary Ann

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Other then the donkey, I still don't read her as a "whacko" or "dope". She doesn't seem to be the type that is against all animals in captivity (she has a donkey and a mare) so maybe she just wants better treatment for the ones that are in captivity.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
But not a bad nut job, just a emotional, misguided one.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, OK.
Mary Ann

OrMaggie77 said...

I missed the first part, she did what with a donkey..( I thought that was only in Mexico)..Anyway, this has nothing to do with her,just with movie stars..If you get a chance, go see the movie, The Dark Knight....Saw it last night, Heath Ledger is memorable as the joker, even better than Jack....

Anonymous said...

What an amazing coincidence. Just last night I was looking up the song - 'Je t'aime' - BB did it with Serge Gainsbourg, but since she was married at the time and having a fling with Serge on the side, she asked that it not be released. (Jane Biorkin and Serge also did it). It's about the sexiest song ever written and would be my choice for an aerial cradle performed in blue spotlights and fog. A goosebumps circus number for sure


The thing with beauty is - it's so much better to have had it and lost it than never had it at all. And BB was one of the most beautiful women in the world.

As far as her animal activities, I applaude her. Perhaps circus trainers would give off a little more of an air of 'animal lover' by standing against things like seal hunting, the 'one of the family' thing might have more credibility.


Wade G. Burck said...

One it's best day "one of the family" won't have any credibility. No matter how, it it doctored, spun, or twisted.
And what in the world is wrong with hunting seals or any animal for that matter, done in a regulated, license purchasing, law abiding way. If a gunshot damage's the skin of the pup as they say, yes I would much rather they stun them first, then club them. But they are not telling me that I have to, and I am sure they would not ask me what I thought was better, if they were telling me. No, if they said put them in a pen, and whack them five or six times a day, for the rest of their life, I'm your Huckleberry and let's run them of the planet. But their not, they are killing them, for a purpose, not for waste, not just to do it, not because they are angry, and surly not because they want to or have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

Not that I believe that there is any high purpose in wearing a seal skin coat, but if such things were a neccessity, if you can get close enough to club them to death, then you're close enough to put a bullet in it's head, where it wouldn't damage the fur.
It must take a very 'special' human being that can look an infant animal in the eye and bring a club down on it's head, whether it be in the creation of an act or a coat.


Wade G. Burck said...

From what I understand, and don't quote me, but the skin is extremely warm, and it water repelling qualities are second to none. Also, I don't recall exactly but at the time when the baby seal deal first occurred, I recall clubbing was the only way it could be done without blood damage to the actual hide. But I may be wrong. I studied it's long term impact on the species, and damage to the environment if any, and there wasn't and I moved on to important animal issues. Haven't looked at it since, as I am more concerned about the Gorillas that were killed last year in a protected park.
Mankind has endured the holocaust, Ian and you question his capacity for anything? It is about individual's Ian, not a race.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Clubbing Baby Seals?
Yeah that sucks,

Having a fling whilest you are married to someone else
Yeah thats wrong too Ian.

Obviously this womans high moral standards only include the ones that don't directly affect what feels good to her at the time.

McCoy and Ebert say......
Two thumbs down

Anonymous said...

Maybe you shouldn't give up on "holding anything against her", just yet.

My Dad's last request was that we scatter his ashes all over Racquel Welsh's swimming pool.

So, maybe you still have a chance.


Anonymous said...

Casey, having a fling 40 years ago harldy compares to the issues that Bardot puts her money into. It's a typical "patch" (as Wade would say) - find an imperfection in someone's personal life to negate anything good they have ever done. God is perfection - the rest of us do what we can. Everyone has their opinions on what would make the world a better place, but very few go out on a limb to put their own resources into doing anything.
Some of us go to the grave, never admitting to the wrongs we have done - defending them all the way. Others admit to our complicity and try to undo them.


Anonymous said...

Ian, I agree with you that "The thing with beauty is - it's so much better to have had it and lost it than never to have had it at all." But I will add that "It's best of all to have had it, still have it, and to take care of it so that one can have it as long as possible." Obviously something that BB hasn't done.
Mary Ann

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I have been "reading up" on this broad for the last two days. Though it is a noble to donate her "hard" earned funds to the cause. Most of her antics have been done "post fame" kinda as a last ditch effort at staying in the spotlight. Her morals and beliefs become relevant the minute she started questioning others.ie the way Muslims kill their dinner, or how natives kill seals (lets keep in mind the seal died, and only died once) As far as the "patch" remark, I am gonna let it drop, I don't hunt seals or sheep. I wanted to think she was not a "nut job" Ian, but now I am most certain she is.....

Wade G. Burck said...

If she had remembered the "cute and charming" factor she might not be such a nut job. It has a way of diluting the obvious "nut job" gene.
I would have loved to have had a go at her in 72, regardless.