Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jack Joyce

America has had a number of great exotic trainers. This gentleman and
John Herriott just to name a few. John, were you aware of this site
which list's Jack's family and work history?



Anonymous said...

Thanks Wade. Jack was good friend over the years and great btrainer, presenter and Equestrian Directors. He was certainly one of my idols. He rode excellent High School and filled in and presented Albert Ostermair horses on Polack when Albert had to go to the army, plus his fine camel pony act.

He did it all over the years and was a class act all the way.

I believe all this post was prepared by Harry Haag jr. who worked for Jack and comes from a wonderful American circus family in his own right and my Dad was a young trainer on the Mighty Haag Circus, so all of us; The Haags, Silverlakes, Joyce, Jenniers, Herriotts have A unique history that coincides over the years to be come an important segment of American circus history of overland and wagon shows. Included would be my recently deceased cousin Gee Gee Engesser,[ her father and my mother were brother and sister ] from the Rep Show days to circus, namely Zellmar Bros, and Schell Bros.. Wonderful history and memories of great people band family.

Wade G. Burck said...

I wanted to offer you condolences here, as I offered them to Billy and his family on Buckles. It is her picture they will put in the dictionary under "show broad." It would even be hard to describe her to anyone who didn't know her. A truly sad day in American Circus history. You take care of yourself, Col. You are an asset we hope to have for a long, long time.