Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gerda Gasser

How is this lovely lady related to the great sea lion training Gassers of today?


Anonymous said...

I think she's Roby and Nadia Gasser's mother. She's the one that does most of the training.

Some sea lion acts were fortunate to have someone at home, or working in a park, with some back-up animals. I heard Roby had at least one replacement "Adolf" during his stay in Las Vegas. Also knew two sea lion acts that came over to the U.S., lost an animal or two and were finished.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't know about you, but I would have a hard time looking at the sea lions with those legs walking beside it. Sea lions? What sea lions? What year were the Gassers in Vegas and how long were they there?

Anonymous said...

There is a nice clip of Nadja Gasser on youtube. Type in "Nadja Gasser sealion trainer"

Wade G. Burck said...

Boy those legs genetically passed didn't they. I also found a video from 1985 of Robie Gasser on a British TV show. Wade

Anonymous said...

As to when Roby Gasser was in Las Vegas I'm guessing around the late 1980s. He was the feature of the Splash show at the Riviera -- the sea lions answer to the orangutans across the street (Bobby Berosini at the Stardust). Some Las Vegas historian would have a better guess.

Might be interesting to feature some of the trainers who worked Las Vegas shows. A different place and challenge to present an animal act.

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that Gerda is mother of both Roby and Nadia. Or she was as, unfortuantely, she died earlier this year.


Wade G. Burck said...

Jim A,
You are spot on about the importance of an environment to an animal act. But then you knew that, because you know what you are talking about.
The ones, that can pull it off in a tough environment are truly skilled. I'm not talking just "getting er done." I'm talking pulling it off on a grand scale, as long as you have not blurred that line between animal welfare and animal abuse.
Speaking of doing something different, if you looked at the youtube of Roby Gasser it was from 1985. There is also a sea lion act on youtube that is from 2006 on Circus Globus that is a copy of the 1985 act except it runs 11 minutes instead of the 4 minutes of the Gasser act. Are you telling me that in 21 years thats the best change/different you sea lion trainers could come up with?