Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For Laszlo--This gentleman is in my Top Ten

This is the liberty act Col. Herriott mentions below with the 8 Percerons. Konyot must not have done much liberty work as there are not may pictures of him with liberty. This may a have been a tough year when everybody was required to "do two or more", and Konyot may have said, I'll give you one liberty act free, but you are going to have to pay dearly for any more. That is not a circus producers idea of a very good deal, which may explain no more liberty acts from Konyot. This is so unusual of an act with the Percherons and no harness, I just have to believe, as I stated to Col Herriott, they just grabbed baggage stock horses, and had them pull float after the act. Which reminds me, Col. I don't see Dorita? Were you goofing on me?
Of interest Laszlo is Konyot only had a TOP NINE LIST of liberty horse trainers. Because Col. Herriott was young and hadn't proven himself yet, he is on my TOP TEN LIST. In no particular order they are, The Renz Family, The Schumanns, Petoletti, Sr., Henrico and Lulu Gautier(father of my dear friend, Ringling elephant trainer, Axel Gautier), Albert Carre, Edward Wolf, Sr., Czeslaw Mraczkowsky, and William Truzzi


Anonymous said...

Wade, thanks for the compliment, but I believe you are missing one bof the all time great liberty trainers, Jorgen M. Cristiansen. He came to RBBB from Europe with sixteen black liberty, built it immediately to twenty four and then did a seventy two carosoul of horses, ponies, camels in a wedding cake ring, left Ringling and had his own ten horse palomino act [he invented the word Creamoline to describe them]. Oh yes he also had another ten horse act of Buckskin that he named, Argentine Criolla Horses. He also put together for Cole Bros. to be featured in New York Hippodrome another great twemty four horse act. He always loked to have his little spotted pony Billy run in and butt him out of the ring after his act. He was an excellent High School rider and trainer espewcially on his beautiful Palomino stallion "Golden Sunburst" that he high trotted around the Hippodrome track. He was the mentor of young Charly Moroskofky as trainer on his fathers circus in Poland. He was also an Equestrian Director on circuses where he trained the menage riders and horses and he was a fine Gentleman in every sense of the word and I am proud of his friendship and the polishing he brought to me as a trainer.

Wade G. Burck said...

This in Konyot TOP NINE LIST. Christenson is in my TOP TEN LIST. The only picture of have of him with the big group I ran months ago. I was embarrassed because the picture is was autographed to someone else, but you wouldn't swap for the one autographed to you, so I had to run my counterfeit.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jorgen Christiansen /1885-1969/was a big trainer He born in Danmark came to RBBB from Stanislaw Mroczkowski's circus Poland.László