Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fatima Gadjikorbanova and King Tusk

When your email is public you get responses from many people you may not have heard from for years. This is one of those cases. I have run pictures of King Tusk in the past with this lady but never really recognized her. Fatima was a special person in my life for 5 years and she sent these downloads. Fatima was 5th generation circus and grew up on the Moscow Circus. Absolutely breathed performing, and the artistic side of performing. She used to stand in front of a mirror and move her hands to make sure they were moving like a "feather blowing in the wind." She grew up in a Communist country that revered the performing arts such as the circus, ballet, and dance. In Communist Russia performers in the arts were considered the elite of society as were their Cosmonauts, and "Prima ballerinas. Children born in the Circus and performing arts are given a pension from the day they are born, and were given homes, dacha's, and condo's as rewards for doing/performing exceptional acts. Below is Fatima and Tusk in Topeka, Kansas in 1993.

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