Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alexi Gruss


Anonymous said...

This man was marvelous with his horses and I didn't even get to see the good stuff. I was impressed with what I saw of liberty. I still have not been able to see the good riders. Where do I go for that?

Wade G. Burck said...

Short list. Knie, Krone, and Bouglione.

Anonymous said...

Oh Man, does that mean I have to ride on trains and no one will speak the English...a rerun of Paris to see Gruss.

Wade G. Burck said...

Have a safe trip. Don't bitch, you wanted directions. I wish I could have told you Sacramento, but that would have been lying.

Anonymous said...

Diane - I hope to go to the show sometime next January. Once you're in Paris you will not need to take a train above ground. Ditto for Cirque d'Hiver. However, if you time a visit so that you can get to see the Casselly acts at Reims, then you'll need to take a train. As I imply, I'd look after you.
Wade has my e-mail address.
