Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Susie, the Graff Zeppelin Gorilla--Cincinnati Zoo

Note the statement about Gorilla survival in the below story. What incredible strides animal husbandry has taken.


Anonymous said...

Apart from the casual acceptance of early death, the Congo is nowhere NEAR South Africa.


Anonymous said...

All the celebration of Frank Buck going on on the other blog, and not one mention of the number of animals that died before a single animal was "brought back alive". Mothers shot so that their infants could be removed, animals dying by the scores in overcrowded ships cargo spaces and animals being injured of killed in traps. It seems more a period in history that we should be ashamed of rather than celebrate.


Wade G. Burck said...

Not ashamed of,or celebrate but a time to learn from, and advance beyond. I'm not ashamed of old zoo exhibits or husbandry practices. They old illustrates the great changes of the new. I'm only ashamed of the the refusal to move beyond the old, given what we know today.

Anonymous said...

That same flight brought a chimp, Louie Zepp, that went to the St. Louis Zoo.

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you know if Louie and Suzie were able to get together on weekends, or was that the end of it. Fickle broad probably got real busy with batting practice and Red's home games and forgot about him. I am sure transportations wasn't a problem. There were probably extra tricycles or pedal car's available at St. Louis if he needed to borrow one.