Monday, May 5, 2008

Respecting my fathers ideals of Civic duty, and honoring my American roots

My father was a very respected man not only in my home town, but in the State of North Dakota for his Civic duties, and giving of his time an knowledge to others. He was a Boy Scout of America Leader for many years, and this area in Eli Minnesota is named in his honor. When I first retired from the circus at the end of the first Ringling tour. I became a Scout leader and had the once in a lifetime opportunity to go on an Artic Camp out with Adam, and we slept in tents with the troop, and used one match a day to start a fire in 30 degrees or below for 5 day. It was very important to me that my children know my roots, so that they would have a choice someday, circus or something else.

Some more of that American pride.

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