Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Paul, does the Sun Times still have the SunShine boy and girl contest? Back before the bloom was off the rose!!


Anonymous said...

Wade-I did'nt know it was a contest, but Keanu Reeves was the Sunshine Boy before he became a star. We always hear that he is Canadian, but he was born in Lebanon and had an American father and a British mother.

OrMaggie77 said...

See Wade, there is hope for you yet. The below I read on Circuspace,and I think you would be perfect for it. The new Simon maybe? LOL.

Looking for Judges for New Circus TV Show!!!

We are training 7 celebrities to perform circus acts. The Celebrities will train for 8 weeks before they compete for a live audience. The show will take place June 10-July15 every Tuesday.

We need the top people in the CIRCUS as judges! Producers, Ringmasters, Clowns, Performer, etc. The judges need to have the right personality and credibility. WE HAVE TO HAVE THE TOP PEOPLE with the right PERSONALITY

If your interested or if you can help with leads for judges please email:

Wade G. Burck said...

My dear friend, may he rest in peace, Iron Eyes Cody gained fame in movies portraying Sitting Bull, in old westerns, later gaining immortality, as the "Indian who cries", for the anti littering campaign in the United States. Do you know his pedigree? LOL It is why I use him and myself as my blog introduction for the NoSpinZone. It was either that or a picture of myself with Richard Nixon. Cody seemed more appropriate. LOL

Anonymous said...

I know who you mean, but I don't know his pedigree. I sure remember those commercials. I had a friend I've lost touch with, named Sean, from when I lived in Orange County. He is a Mohawk Indian from Ontario who was serving in the Marine Corp. All Mohawks have dual citizenship.

Wade G. Burck said...

Yes, I'll bet they would be real happy with me jerking some starlet off a web, and kicking her in the ass.

Wade G. Burck said...

French/Italian and grew up in Mississippi. My brother Mike who has been in France since he went over with the White Tigers in 89, now has a duo citizenship. His American passport, say's issued at the American Embassy, and when he enters customs the Americans address him, "Welcome home, Son." When he and I were traveling through Austria by train and were asked for passports, the police shook his hand, and then grilled me for 15 minutes, and questioned whether I was really his older brother. He worked with me for 5 years before going to Europe, and has such an accent I can hardly understand him, and that is strange coming from my baby brother.