Monday, May 12, 2008

Marlin Perkins--America's most well know Zoo Personality

Look at this lineup of names. FYI. A number of years ago, I did a impromptu unscientific study, and I found that 85% of Circus animal trainers/Zoo personnel had started out their early life in "America HeartLand". I don't know if it is the farming/unpopulated way it used to be or what is the reason. But it is undeniable.


B.E.Trumble said...

Internet is still catch-as-catch-can here in Kansas. Wade, I'd agree that Perkins huge popularity was in part a product of his time...He came along with television...much as Beatty's fame was a product of his as well. Can't ignore the huge success that Steve Irwin enjoyed as an animal guy in our own time however. In Irwin's case charisma and personality rolled right over all else.


Wade G. Burck said...

As long as you are in Kansas, can't you get the Wizard of Oz to square that internet deal for you?
Steve Irvin I think was also a product of the Animal Planet phenomena. Originally I think the product was "cheering for the stumblebum". He did change his persona as the popularity in the show increased. Some of the Animal Planet shows are real ridiculous, while a few are very good.

Anonymous said...

He was a controversial figure to be sure. I saw one of his former co-stars on 60 Minutes the other day. I don't think too many people remember Marlin Perkins today.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom was just a zoo animal rodeo.

Wade G. Burck said...

Who was the former co star on 60 minutes, and were they complimentary or controversial.
With respect to Marlin Perkins, the ones who do remember him remember him different from when they were children and looked again with "mature eyes". I would say like Beatty, but I don't want to stir up that hornets nest again. Roy Rogers looks the same today to me, as he did in 1960.

Anonymous said...

Wade-The former co-star was the British one who looked like a body builder. I forget his name. They barely mentioned in passing that he was a co-host on Wild Kingdom, and Marlin Perkins was'nt mentioned at all. They were focusing on this man's current project which is providing free health care for poor people. I seem to recall reading in National Geographic, I think it was, that the St. Louis Zoo expressed frustration with having an absentee director who was always away filming his TV show, while drawing a salary from the zoo of course. I'm surprised he was'nt fired.

Wade G. Burck said...

I believe that was Stan Brock. He was only on the show a short time after Fowler. I think they were getting too "hollywood" by that time. He wasn't even close to the animal man Fowler was. I suggest the St. Louis Zoo would have created a publicity outrage, if they had fired Perkins. Plus the fame he brought the zoo was immeasurable and elevated their institution in the public eye.

Anonymous said...

That's the only reason I can think that they would have kept him, and I think the National Geographic article said as much. I wonder who was doing his job, and earning his salary for him, anonymously, at the zoo.

Wade G. Burck said...

I think it points to the least necessary cog in the running/maintenance of a zoo. The same deal in "show business". As a broadway director told a producer who felt their "importance", "you make sure we have money, thats you job. You can then make suggestions to me, and I will decide what suggestions we will use, if any."

Anonymous said...

I heard that the government ran much more efficiently whenever Ronald Reagan was on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Another thing was Marlin Perkin's association with that insurance company. I suspect if I say anything more on this subject I'll be sued. You know David Frum who wrote George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speach, and then got fired for telling people he wrote it? Well his mother intervewed Marlin Perkins for the CBC and I think he stormed out before it was over. I can't recall for sure, but I think he got pretty angry.

Wade G. Burck said...

What did she ask that made him angry? If you are worried about any "heat" send it anonymous. LOL

Anonymous said...

I believe that they were just taking zoo animals and releasing them so that he could chase them down, like a zoo animal rodeo. I don't recall for sure it was so long ago. The CBC probably has a tape of the interview.