Friday, May 2, 2008

Location unknown?

Useful information printed on the back. "The Zebra is never found outside of Africa except in captivity. It often has been semi-domesticated, but never has been made generally useful, and a domestic race of Zebras seems impracticable. The use of hides for making leather and ornamental rugs has stimulated hunters, and the Zebra is growing very scarce."


Anonymous said...

What is the history of zebras in circuses? Were they part of the menagerie, or did anyone ever successfully use them in acts? I was always under the impression that they could not be tamed or ridden.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

This picture is editited from a picture taken at Krone winterquarters. The original appears in 'A Pictirial History of Performing Horses'. The original was taken inside the ring barn

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome. Please use your name next time. I posted you as that was good information. Interesting, because on the back, it says Menagerie Ringling Bros. Worlds Greatest Shows. The river in the back ground may lead you to believe it was taken in Baraboo. Any idea who the young lady is? Thank you for the info.
Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
They have been used in liberty acts with limited success, depending on who is telling the tale. Usually alway "free" and not checked up with surcingles and check reins, as seen on liberty animals. Daniel Suskov, from France, made a great liberty act on Ringling, with 4 horses, 4 camels, and 4 zebras, that he worked off horseback. Jana Mandana Lacy has a great act on Krone with 4 Bactrian camels, and 4 zebra that she works of horseback.
The ones who have been successful with them, don't "regiment" them like a horse. They are allowed a bit more freedom. I think if you thought of them more as a donkey, with that behavior, instead of a horse, and that behavior, you would be more successful with them.

Anonymous said...

does any one out there know how many subspices of zebbies there has being and how many are in exsitance know . who ever gets the answer right gets some goat tamales i am making today .

Clean Raul ps i am still waiting on a answer from Paul on the chimp that ended up in Sierra Leone . darn shame .same as sending elephants to Carol Buckleys place darn shame .

Anonymous said...

which sub spices has a better dispostion to be train then the others ?CleanRaul ps still waiting on a chimp answer .

Wade G. Burck said...

Clean Raul,
Would you be patient. The ones most commonly used are the Grants, although the ones used on Krone appear to be Damara.

Wade G. Burck said...

Clean Raul,
2 species, and 3 subspecies. Carol Buckley place is not bad, unfortunately there is a need for it. Her philosophy's may be skewed, but the necessity of a sanctuary isn't. I just wish more funds were allocated for captive reproduction, and the study of why a sanctuary was needed in the first place, so that possibly we would not need them.

OrMaggie77 said...

Nothing to do with sub-species,or anything interesting like that, I just want the Goat Tamales recipe....LOL....

Anonymous said...

No tamales for you Mr. Burck you left out 1 the mountain zebra which is the most rare although more brute then the others none are known to be in zoos or outside of africa. on diffrent subject i agree with you on Carol Buckley but her agenda is way out just the fact she wont breed or have anything to do with males tells you all . and we all know we are in dire need of the elephants in captivity for we have reach the point of captivity or exction . and still knowing that she wont breed to contribute to the survivale of the spices for the future . CleanRaul ps still waiting for a chimp answer maybe Jando will appear before Paul .

Anonymous said...

Ms, Margaret the recepe for goat tamales is the same except instead of pork or beef or zebra use goat meat is t leaner and better . ChefRaul

Anonymous said...

Are'nt there more than two species of zebra? There's the Burchell's, the Grevy's, the mountain, and Grant's, I think. Dennis Day was or is the owner of the lion cub which escaped in Quebec. He's trying to get it back. Boomer might be sent to Granby Zoo. Day got him from a zoo in southern Ontario when he was three days old. He has a hundred acre farm and is getting a giraffe and camels. He has previously had tigers, lions, and chimpanzees.

Anonymous said...

Did Clean Raul ask me a question which I did'nt answer? I think I've said everything I know on the subject of Pinkie.

Wade G. Burck said...

Species and sub-species. I was hoping you would use you exceptional research skills, to answer that for Clean Raul, instead of raising another question. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

I will let him ask you again. I quite listening when he started barbecuing goats. LOL

Anonymous said...

O.K here goes. This is for Clean Raul. There are three species and nine subspecies of zebra, at least according to one website. There's the Plains Zebra, which has 7 subspecis, Grant's Zebra, Crawshay's Zebra, Upper Zambezi Zebra, Chapman's Zebra, Damara Zebra, Burchell's Zebra (extinct), Quagga (extinct). Then there's the Mountain Zebra, which has two subspecies, Cape Mountain Zebra, and Hartmann's Mountain Zebra. The Grevy's Zebra has no subspecies. Stephen J. Gould said in one of his books that he did'nt think that zebras are more closely related to each other than they are to other species of equids. They all just happen to be striped. Were'nt tarpans striped on the legs? I've seen pictures of horses in Poland which are part tarpan and they have striped legs.

Anonymous said...

I might have answered Clean Raul elsewhere in the blog.

Anonymous said...

What kind of zebra is the plains zebra in Zoo Tycoon? LOL. I used to play but ran out of fun zoos to build, and besides this blog is so much more enjoyable!
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I have never played a video game. They intimidate me. My interests have always followed, "if it eats meat or hay, count me in."
In an attempt to interest me in the "enchanting" world of video games, my oldest son bought me ZOO TYCOON when it first appeared on the market. After 3 hours he built my dream zoo for me, and I thought this might be something. Then the zoo started loosing revenue. His "lesson" to me in "zoo management" was to throw the keepers to the cats, serving two purposes. Taking them off the payroll, and keeping down the overhead, for new construction!!!! That was a little to close to home, and I never played the game again. LOL

Anonymous said...

Clean Raul-I don't know the answer to your question. Check out this website: Pinkie lived at the Tacaguma Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Sierra Leone. I think this website has all the information on her and I'm in a huge rush. Regards Paul

Anonymous said...

to Paul thank you for the info . actually the sanctuary i was talking about in Sirrea Leon is not the same one i had in mind . but you are right about all the subspicesyou can claim your goat tamales anyday .