Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Japanese white tigers

When Paul McCarthy was being so nasty to Tony, I can only assume these were the tigers he was referencing. That's why I said, "Tony would be the first American White Tiger, flown by Flying Tigers Airline." They flew Delta. Is it all right if I say 1st "performing" White Tiger, flown by Flying Tigers Airline, Paul? If you revere Tony as much as you say, you should be more like the Clyde Beatty people. You should say things like, Yeah that's right. And Tony also went to the Imperial Palace and ate sushi with the Emperor. That's how you show respect for an animal legend, Paul.


Anonymous said...

Wade-These white tigers at Takarazuka Zoo arrived in Japan years after Tony and I'm 99% sure they were his descendants, probably his grand children. I apologize to Tony for my previous unkindness, but I knew you said "American white tiger." I was just volunteering unsolicited information when I said that Dalip was the first white tiger in Japan in 1970. He must have been a cousin of Tony's. I think the white tigers arrived at the Takarazuka Zoo around 1986, and they were'nt the only white tigers which were permant residents of Japan by then. I remember that there were grand children of Tony's in the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo by the time Tigers Of The World was published, according to A.K. Roychoudhury's chapter. One more zoo in Japan also had white tigers by around 1986. They were all Tony's descendants. If you want to say that Tony was the first white tiger to put his puss 'n boots on the lunar surface I'll back you up, provided you supply photographs.

Wade G. Burck said...

From me you want photo's. Yet the accept the word of some obscure native supposedly sighting a white tiger in the 1800's. Sheez.

Anonymous said...

Say what? What Native? OK I'll take your word for it, provided you go on record for saying that Tony was the first white tiger to walk on the Moon.

Anonymous said...

PS Maybe Tony was the first hybrid white tiger. Who was born first Tony or Bagheera?

Anonymous said...

I heard the Emperor legally adopted Tony and made him heir to the throne of Japan.

Wade G. Burck said...

Tony was born first. That was the shock. Shortly after John took possession of him, Bagheera was born.
I think "performing" will be less controversial. If we go with "hybrid", given the other white tiger sterotypes, folks may look at the royal title/lineage, and assume hemophilia and pigeon toes also.
"Emperor legally adopting" is what I am talking about Paul. I may have a picture of the Celestial Son marking a 400 year old Bonsai in the Imperial gardens, and swimming in the moat. I'll check.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall that the Emperor held a banquet in Tony's honor and Tony threw up on His Imperial Majesty, or am I think of George Bush senior, a really terrible president who's son has made him look good by comparison?

Anonymous said...

Wade-I thought that Bagheera and Tony were born in 1972.

Wade G. Burck said...

I have mentioned to be suspect of early records. There was a massive patch, to justify the castrating of Prince and Sabre. Which was actually for the best, given the major physical problems of Frosty and Bagheera.
The story as relayed to me. Tony was purchased for 2000.00, to be delivered at a later date. Bagheera was born and taken for handraising, which may account for some of her problems. Sheba was put back in with the males. When the appointed delivery day came Von Uhl had now been convinced he had made a mistake in the selling of Tony for 2000.00, and it was taken to court, and he wanted 10000.00. John supposedly paid 6000.00 more, and was awarded Tony. Prince and Sabre were castrated due to "behavioral issues", and a month later Frosty was born. As stated before, Ural was a terrible physical specimen of a pure bred Siberian, of which a lot were very inbred back then due to their rarity in captivity. Severely crossed eyes, long matted fur, and an absolute moron. The crossed eyes became the patch, as Ural being the father. Even when the Sioux Falls line was discovered. I was only around Ural and Sheba for 2 years before they were retired, and the first litter I had born from them was gold. To this day, John say's Ural was the father.

Wade G. Burck said...

I concur about your view's of the Bush dynasty. If you will concur that we at least, are in agreement to what language we want to use. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, I believe that this is Shirotan, son of Bhim and Sumita, and therefore Tony's grandson. He was born August 24, 1983, and what is unusual is that he was one of a litter of five cubs, three of whom were snow white. Another one of the snow whites in the litter was the beautiful Kanpur with skin cancer on her lower lip, who we saw at the Miami Zoo in 1998. The third snow white in the litter was Snow Queen, who also went to Japan, but to Akiyoshidai Safari Park. The litter was featured in People magazine January 23, 1984. The article was titled "Here Kitty Kitty: Cincinnati Zoo Breeds Five Rare White Tigers". Paul shared the article with me. One of the striped brothers Lucknow later killed a keeper at the Miami Zoo, but thankfully he was not destroyed When we were there, another keeper who had been a good friend of the slain keeper told us that the keeper was not aware that Lucknow was in the yard and went out to clean it, so it was not really the cat's fault. The other striped brother went to Thailand.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Of course I will go on record by saying "Tony was the first White Tiger on the moon." Who did you think Neil Armstrong was running from that day he took a giant leap for mankind? Ika? Don't be ridiculous, Ika would have licked him to death.
You Canadians sure don't know much American history.

Anonymous said...

Wade-I am born and bred American.

Anonymous said...

I have a newspaper article about the court case between John Cuneo and Julius Von Uhl. I think that somebody told Julius Von Uhl that he had made a huge mistake selling Tony so cheap. I forget all of the details, but the newspaper said the case was settled out of court for an extra $4000. The judge was glad because he did'nt know who could take care of Tony until the case was resolved. (Why not the Detroit Zoo?)

Wade G. Burck said...

Tony was surrounded by controversy from the day he was born, to his "mudding" of the white tiger gene pool, to his "subjugating" of unscrupulous trainers. What animal better deserving of the title "King of Beasts". God Bless him. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ural's parents were supposed to have been wild caught, but were believed to be brother and sister. Maybe they came from an isolated wild population which was already inbred. I found a picture of Ural and his two littermates, at Como Zoo, in an incubator, which was published in The New York Times I think in 1959.

Wade G. Burck said...

I think so many of the "problems" both physical and mental with cats has a lot to do with early nutrition and "pulling" and raising in a incubator.