Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ika and Ari-- 1 year old


Anonymous said...

Where are you in the pictures?

Anonymous said...

I did'nt phrase the question right. I mean't to ask where the pictures were taken (?), not where are you in them. Do you have an exact date of birth for Bagheera? Did she have just the one white littermate which did'nt survive or were there others, white or orange?

Wade G. Burck said...

No I don't and Mr. and Mrs. Cuneo don't recall, same deal with her litter mates, and I don't recall what they told me in 1976. Because she never gave birth, she was kind of forgotten. The cub pictures were taken at Marineland, and the older pictures were taken at a truck stop on the way to Texas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The pictures are great like Mary Ann said.