Monday, May 5, 2008

I have been fortunate to have great assistance/nursemaids

Naugatuk 1 and Ika and Ari
Macho, son of Naugatuk 1 and Naugatuk 2 mauling the white cub
Current Security Chief, Napolean


Anonymous said...

How big were Ika and Ari when you got them? Did you go to Cincinnati to pick them up?

Anonymous said...

Wade-I thought that you and a university professor traced Tony's ancestry all the way back to Mohan. When are you going to tell us more about that?

Wade G. Burck said...

I am not sure what you are talking about. Unless it is in reference to the Sioux Falls tigers and their ancestry.

Anonymous said...

Wade-Yes that's it. That's what I thought you said on the Buckles web log, but I may have misinterpreted you. How many strains of white tigers are there- one, two, or three? I count three.

Anonymous said...

If I had known there were two white tigers in Montreal in 1976/77 I would have crawled over broken glass to see them. We had some pigs like the one you trained. I forget the name of the breed-Yorkshire maybe? It's kind of awful when you're a kid on a farm and you raise animals like pets and they get slaughtered. They were just like dogs. They had wonderful personalities. The thought of eating ham makes me sick to this day. We were even taught to kill rabbits by beaking their necks. I'd never want any child of mine doing that ! I don't know what my parents were thinking, or whether they ever thought much about anything.

Wade G. Burck said...

The wonderful I found out pigs is there inquisitive nature, and their odd learning capabilities. With most animals you see a gradual comprehension of what you are teaching. The light gets a little brighter each day. With the pig, day's would go by with what appeared to be no comprehension, and suddenly the whole thing made sense. Instead of step one to step two to step three to completion of the behavior, they went from step one straight to completion after studying it for many days. If that makes sense. I think the are more deliberate, and not willing to rush blindly into something that doesn't make sense.
I bought a black buck and a white doe when I was young, under the assumption that they would have black and white babies. My intention was to breed them for the food/slaughter market. When the first litter was born, some white and some black, and 1 brown(go figure), they were so cute, I thought I would keep them, and kill the next litter. Same deal they were just as cute. They were all cute, and eventually I had over a 100 black, white, and brown rabbits and decided the meat market wasn't for me.
My grandmother used the chop the heads off of chickens, and they would flop around, and I swear to God chase you until the eventually died. I don't think she was thinking anything, except thats how her parent did it, and their parents before them. But I don't want my boys to ever have to try to get away from a flopping headless blood spurting chicken.

Wade G. Burck said...

Initially I thought there were 2. The Rewa line, and the Tony/Sioux Falls line. As studies were done, and I concluded that the Sioux Falls line was mixed with Rewa, I concluded that there was one. I accept the other studies, but have a hard time accepting anything more then Rewa and Orrisa. Being very familiar with the "animal business", and it's colorful cast of characters and given we are dealing with something that can not speak for itself, I accept a lot as "grandiose" record keeping, especially looking at old records of the Bedoins and their horses. The most beautiful calligraphy and stylized hand painted pedigrees. It was almost a religion to them, and the historical accuracy paramount, as it was hand to the son in the same sense as an inheritance.

Anonymous said...

What are the names of the cubs here?
And when are this pics taken?
