Tuesday, May 13, 2008

For Paul McCarthy-- Original Hawthorn Tiger Act 1977

This is the last picture I have of the original tigers, I have already posted what I have of Prince, Sabre, and Ural. I only worked with them for a year, before they were taken out of the new White tiger act. From left to right, Sheba, Rhoni, Sultan, and Begum


Anonymous said...

Wade, these have all been really great pictures, and so terrific of you to share them. When these original Hawthorn tigers left the white tiger act, were they retired or put into another act?
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Wade, is this the Sultan of the Frosty/Sultan event?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Yes this is the same Sultan, who continued on in the white tiger act. It has been a trend, if it was "tough" it was mine. Sultan, Rhoni, Tora, Begum, Bengali and Ika and Ari were the only one's kept of the original act and added to the new act trained by Jean Machon in 1977, Kahn, Frosty, Baby, Kashmir, Rema, Nicky, Bagheera, Tony, and Roman. Roman was later removed making the act 16, and used by John Cox for the new Hawthorn act of gold offspring and Soloman. As stated before, the animals were combined by Jean Michon with assistant Horst Merkle getting injured by Tony. Margaret and I had left over a "contract dispute" two month prior, and I was brought back and flew to Oklahoma City after the injury to Merkle. John Cuneo had a male lion act trained the year before I came to work for him, at this same time that stayed in Canada on the Garden Bros Circus. This same winter, the lions were brought to Woodstock Illinois, and 4 were "retired" as was Ural. Prince, Sabre, Princess, and Farah from the original act were combined with 4 lions, and was used for I believe a year, until the new act for Marineland was made by John Cox, in 1979, at which time they were "retired". 3 of the lions Mitch, Bongo, and Cesar, were sold to Dave Hoover on Clybe Beatty Circus. The 4 lions and 4 tigers was presented by Roy Wells for that one year.