Friday, May 16, 2008

A Congo "Dirty Weekend"(I learned that term from one of John Coopers countrywomen.

Western gorillas mating 'face-to-face' in Mbeli Bai in the Republic of Congo. (Credit: Copyright Thomas Breuer – WCS/MPI-EVA) Mary Ann, you will note in their haste, they couldn't even wait for the little guy on the right to get the champaign iced or the candles lit.


Anonymous said...

You know somebody else from the Isle of Wight?


Wade G. Burck said...

An island 2 miles off the coast, with 1 member of Parliament in still England. This same Brit while doing volunteer work at a zoo, was told they had to feed baby ducks to the snakes. When they said they didn't want to, the were told "everybody who works here has to do it." They replied, "I don't work here, I'm only helping!!!" Their thought being, as long as they weren't drawing a salary they weren't working there. So yes John, the Isle of Wight is England. LOL

Anonymous said...

The island 2 miles off the coast with 1 Member of Parliament is Anglesey - which is in Wales!!

Oh well! I suppose some people think most places are in Germany.


Wade G. Burck said...

I knew that. I just thought John was being like the individual how didn't work there, and was just helping. LOL Where is Saarland?

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

You win the grand prize for most unoriginal, uncute and uncharming, anonymous name to hit this blog (Which I thought wasn't allowing anonymousness) I am gonna step out on this limb and assume that "me" meant something to Mr. Burck (possibly a congo dirty weekend revisited) if this is so please accept my apologies, you have been through enough, and the embarrassment would be overwhelming, I understand completely.

From me to you,

Wade G. Burck said...

Me is an abbreviation for Megan. Not everybody may know John, is John Cooper. But I do, so it is not anonymous, and it is not taking a shot at people, to hide from a response.
Wade Burck

Wade G. Burck said...

By the way, I got your "dirty weekend" right here. Weekend this!!!

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I was way off I see. I assumed you only "KNEW" one British Woman, I have underestimated you. No chance one of your "Dirty weekends" caused the Boston tea party is there?

I thought your acronym was an attempt at a cutesy name. I am so sorry, please disregard previous comment.

Wade G. Burck said...

She isn't even British. I never went on a "dirty weekend" or a DW as John Cooper would day, by the way. I was dating her not working for her. If I had, I am assuming it would have been received with the same gratitude and admiration expressed by Churchill when our planes stopped the shelling of the English shore. LOL
And trust me, one was enough. I don't like to "stereotype", but when I was in Mexico this winter, 4 gentleman told me similar horror stories about their former wives who they had all met on Tihany a couple of years earlier. One even knew the individual you mention, and from his tale, I got out lucky.

Wade G. Burck said...

She isn't even British. I never went on a "dirty weekend" or a DW as John Cooper would day, by the way. I was dating her, not working for her. If I had, I am assuming it would have been received with the same gratitude and admiration expressed by Churchill when our planes stopped the shelling of the English shore. LOL
And trust me, one was enough. I don't like to "stereotype", but when I was in Mexico this winter, 4 gentleman told me similar horror stories about their former wives who they had all met on Tihany a couple of years earlier. One even knew the individual you are thinking about, and from his tale, I got out lucky.

OrMaggie77 said...

This thread is beginning to sound like one of those "sites" that might have caused my crash....LOL....