Sunday, April 20, 2008

Marquess of Bath--Owner/co developer Longleat Safari Park, Whiltshire


Anonymous said...

I need to jump in with this comment immediately before it gets pieced up in your no-spin commentary whatever that means. My comments are generally related to the topic at hand on any partcular subject and I have found bits and pieces spun into your own declaration of knowledge on a subject that generally you are not that familiar with. I will heceforth remain out of your spin and let you pontificate on these subjects [yes that word rlates to you and the subject] to your hearts content. I doubt if you will print the above in its sole entirety without the usual spin. Good luck on your new endeavor.

Wade G. Burck said...

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.,
Thank you for responding to the "question" of what is the specific name for this action. I didn't even "suggest", as I didn't have a clue. Hard to tell sometimes in a still photo, what a "movement" actually is. Using today's generally accepted standard of judging, would he be what's considered, on the vertical. For my own understanding and knowledge.
Thank you,
Wade Burck
11 March, 2008 20

johnny said...

Wade, Here we go again. Its obvious the horse is doing a fantastic "High Trot" [also called by the "horsey set a Spainish trot] Don't they wish they could do one. What the hell is Vertical, please enlighten me, and for your information its just "one hellava great high trot" and I don't believe we need an alibi lesson to sort it out.What the hell is this Madam Col. bullshit. I will tell you anything you want to know on the subject. I have been an alert participant for over sixty years. When did your Madam Col. meet Mr. Heyer? Unfortunately I like to call a spade a spade even if its on the blog. Especially when I was subject to a lesson in horse trsining finesse in this public forum. Please spare me all the bullshit.
13 March, 2008 17:23

On April 17,2008 John Herriott posted:

john herriott said...I am fortunate to have a rare and old book titled "Breaking and Riding" with "military comments" by James Fillis.
It is an excellent book on all phases of high school riding a nd training. It is not dated, but I would suggest it goes back to the turn of the previous century. I have had it for many years and have read and refreered to it many times during my training and riding days and it covers all aspects on the subject in a no nonsense fashion.

No comments can be edited, Buckles told you that before. They can be posted in their entirety or they can be deleted, which we will never do as we promised, because we came into existence because of half truths and believe in "No spin".
I took a statement, what the hell is vertical, and put it to another statement of reading and rereading a book which clearly explains "vertical", and asked for an explanation, which I still have received.
If someone says they are an astronaut, and then writes for 10 pages on how to overhaul a spaceship, and later says show me where I said I was an astronaut, I don't need to copy the overhaul manual to show him where he mis spoke. I just need the part where he says he is an astronaut.
"What the hell is this Madame Col. bullshit". I will tell you anything you want to know on the subject". I think we need to redefine the term "pontificate" in the circus dictionary, don't you John. Now you only address her questions and not mine. Don't think for a moment that she is any easier to "bullshit" then me. She'll know the answer right away, I'll have to research it and get back to you.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, back at Longleat, the stately home of The Marquess of Bath.................let's not forget that it was the late Jimmy Chipperfield (father of Mary, and uncle of Dickie) who put the idea of a safari park to the man.
