Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jules Jacot--St. Louis Zoo


OrMaggie77 said...

Is this the same lion as in the other picture "King". He looks pissed in both,but I would be to if you made me wear that silly crown....LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

I have never liked tricks that ridicule the animal or make them a clown, laughing stock. Unless it is something where they are getting the better of you. Dog's, pigs, etc. are different. That is why I have never done a head in the mouth. I just think, and it is my belief, that it degrades them. When non jealous contemporaries suggest that I am afraid to do it, I point out shoulder stands, and shoulder carries, the tell me to go to hell. I am hoping we can address what the public like's and what it doesn't like.

OrMaggie77 said...

I seem to remember you doing the head in the mouth trick at least once....LOL....I think the public likes to see "tricks." I think that they have evolved from the old school of fighting acts,if they want to just see the cats snarl they can go to the zoo at feeding time. At the circus they want to be entertained, they want to be taken away to a fantasy land. They want to see a 10 cat sit up,or a hind leg walk, and it always caused gasps in the crowd when you did the shoulder stand. They also want to see the interaction of the trainer and the animals. I don't know,it's just my opinion

Wade G. Burck said...

Head in the mouth, and taking my head in his mouth, is two different things.

Logan Jacot said...

I think the public agrees with you Wade they don't want to see wild animals dressed up to look like a clown. I took several friends to see the Rosaire's chimp act and the biggest complaint among them was the costumues the chimps were in. They all thought it was degrading BUT did say they would have enjoyed the act if the costumes weren't there. But ironically when I worked for The Banana Derby the public thought it was cute for the smaller monkeys to wear costumes. So I guess it varies from specie to specie.

I also agree with you Margaret if somebody is going to pay $30 to see a circus they want to see the animal do unbelieveable things. I personally don't care for acts that come out and are so politically correct that the only thing the animals do is jump from point A to point B. Which brings up a very important question. Which kind of act is going to make people want to go out and save these animals from going extinct: 1) The act that features unbelieveable behaviors or 2) The act that puts people to sleep because the animals don't do anything?


Wade G. Burck said...

When I was at Marineland back in the mid 70'2 and 80's. They did surveys. Consistently the least favorite part of the show was the bears wearing costumes. And they didn't wear much, just hats and neck ruffles, and an jumper. The whales were the favored animal, followed by the tigers, dolphins, sealions, elephants, and sea elephant. Chimpanzees and bears wear costumes, so when they stand up there schwanze isn't exposed, and they don't defecate in the ring.
The statement that we are saving an endagered species or making it more appreciated is invalid, Logan. The less we state it the more valid we will be. What is your idea of good behaviors, and what is the difference between training, and subjugating?
Best wishes,

OrMaggie77 said...

OnLine Dictionary:
1. To bring under control; to conquer.
2. To make subservient; to enslave
Verb:Subjugator; a conqueror who defeats and enslaves.
1. The process or routine of one who trains.
2. The state of being trained.
Noun: training; activity leading to skilled behavior.

Wade G. Burck said...

The term training is still muddy. In regards to horses, as John Herriott say's if they just walk trot and canter, that doesn't count. In regards to other animals what is training. What is the standard to be judged against.

Anonymous said...

Why did'nt they just put a crown of thorns on the lion's head?