Sunday, April 13, 2008

For John Cooper--The Schumanns

The back of this photo says Paulina Schumann with four superb greys and one of the smallest ponies in the world in routine tha has enchanted audiences all over Europe. Barratt's Photo Press Ltd. Fleet Street.
The back of this photo only says Albert Schumann, Keystone Press Agency Limited. Fleet Street. These photo's were purchased from Bill Strong's Dime Store on eBay. Check out Bill's great offering of out circus pictures.


Anonymous said...

As both photos are credited to Fleet Street agencies, they must have been taken at Bertram Mills' Circus at Olympia, London. The Schumann family played several winter seasons there.
Albert and Paulina were Katja's uncle and aunt, Paulina's father being the clown, Charlie Rivels.


Anonymous said...

Change of Subject.
A while back somebody mentioned the website of Germany's Circus Krone, I think in connection with white lions.
If you log on to that site now, it goes to German, with no English option. Not that I can locate, any way. Then again, I can manage to read German, especially when it's on a topic I understand, such as circus.


Wade G. Burck said...

I did not realize that Charlie Rivels was Paulina's father. That is the clown statue in front of the Krone Bau is it not. Looking at some of the horse pictures Krone has posted on the walls is unbelievable. How could something have been that magnificent.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Indeed it is Charlie outside of Kronebau. There's two lions there as well.

If anybody fancies heading that way towards the end of May, there's a Chinese circus (plus guest acts) with a Pirates theme in Kronebau, and "Cirkus" Flic Flac is in the city at much the same time under canvas. But traditional circus it ain't. No (non-human) animals in either of them.


Wade G. Burck said...

What a great PR coup. Lion's all over the city of Munich, much like the cows in Chicago, and able to get a white one for the front of the Krone Bau. Gotta tell you though, John. Honestly I think the caliber of Krone performance's have "fallen" a bit in recent times. Dirty shame.
Wade Burck