Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dianne Olds Rossi & Xenephone--Response to John Herriott

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Of course I agree forward is the word of the day. I submit this photo of a long line horse of mine, one of the first I trained years ago doing the high trot. I am sure Wade will put it up for me in the right place as I haven't figured out how to upload a picture yet on the blog. He is also going up into the bridle in a collected and comfortable position, noticed also that he is also trotting behind and not a swashed walk.

Albert was different than I, he did more difficult and not so pretty tricks and I stayed with pretty and light, this I believe is the difference between Albert and I. After a few years away from him I found I could not ride his horses any longer. The lightness came from my schooling with Dorita Knoyot who weighed all of 80 pounds and she made me the back door instead of meeting these huge animals head on. This does not diminish the greatness of Ostermaier only that we are all different. I am eternally grateful to Dorita for what she gave me. I do suggest through that the tight rein might be the wrong description, I would substitute instead "pushed up into the bridle". A tight rein suggests holding back and except for gaining height the trot would be lost.


cwdancinfool said...

I have to agree 100% with Dianne on this. I visited the Smahas when they had only had Patton (Pluto Austria) a short time. Papa had been only working him from the ground. We were watching him work him on a lunge line when he put a bridle on him and put me up on him bareback. We worked up to a very nice collected canter. Tony, who was watching from the side, asked me how tight I was holding him to keep him that collected. I very slowly laid the reins down on his neck and raised my arms and he continued at the same speed and collection. I would much rather have a horse that works with direct contact than one that I have to fight to control. A horse cannot be balanced and light when his chin is tucked into his chest.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am going to stay out of it, and let you agree with Dianne. After John Herriott, found out "who the hell this Madame Col. is", he only responds to her. I don't think it has anything to do with being a women. I just think after spending most of his life with a band of broodmares(a wife and 4 daughters) that Stallion has just learned to do what he is told, and not to start nothing. LOL