Saturday, April 12, 2008

Albert Ostermaier

Madame Col., do you know anything about these horses, or when and where this photo was taken? The one on Albert's left looks too drafty to be anything more then a liberty horse.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I do know of these horses and the act. It was one of the last I believe Albert performed when on the circus. The drafts were a liberty team worked from the back of a high school horse. Although I don't recognize the horse he is riding I believe the story goes he lost that horse and had to make another quickly to replace him. That horse I later bought and was the horse I learned to ride with from Albert. The horse we called "Dingy" was a big common Hanavarian type horse but had talent unbelievable doing huge Spanish High trot and long walks on his hind legs. I will dig up the photos I have of him.

Anonymous said...

I do not recall this act and would be interested to know where it was. Incidentally Albert did have a trained "goat" act on Polack at one time. Would be nice to see photos of that.