Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Adam when he was confused over career choices and thought he may want to try clowning

John Herriott, You can hurl your venom at me, and I am more then confident Dianne Olds can handle herself against you, but don't you ever come at my son or his act again. You aren't near that qualified. Don't start that stuff with the new ones, John. Don't make them put up with what us who started in the 70's had to endure, as most of them have left.Don't tell me I'm full of shit, just do the count.) He is a "generational" or a "blue blood" as I have non pompously heard it called. Treat him with a little more respect. In response to you questions, look at the fact's, don't even waste your valuable time speculating. I'd get ready for that TV trainer, he's probably eager for the advice you have to offer. Keep your "Showfolks slobber"(townies have a dictionary to, did you know that) to yourself . No disrespect to that fine organization. Be there to welcome the new blood as they rush the door.
Wade Burck


OrMaggie77 said...

I like this post. I think you got the point across quite well,and you only used one naughty word. LOL.

Wade G. Burck said...

NAUGHTY word. I got you naughty word. Hope to get those pictures developed this week. I forgot what a good looking broad you were. LOL

Anonymous said...

Where in hell did you get the idea that I was picking on your son or family. I take issue with that remark and believe you should put up or shut up to even suggest such a rediculous thing. When your sons were at my place, both MR and myself enjoyed them as fine young fellows and believe one of them came to visit after you were gone. I never had a son and was pleased that they accepted me, my family and what I was doing. In all my replys to your nasty innuendoes I can't recall any of your family being put down. I did know Ralph "Jelly" Duke as a young fellow when he clowned on my cousin-in-law Barker Bros. Circus and Rodeo. Back in maybe 41,42,43 or that. I regret that you seem to want to put a personal spin on these subjects and bid you Adieu or whatever.

Wade G. Burck said...

Some of that "Showfolk's slobber", might drip, or be slung into the outside world. I know, I and other who have left for good, had an awful lot on us. That's why it took me 33 years to go. We just called it "trouper spittle". Harmless, unless it got in your eyes. Yes he did at my insistence. As I was going to train horses, I wanted him to get a patch in so some of that non jealous stuff didn't go his way. Fact John, thanks for mentioning it.

Wade G. Burck said...

Funny, that both his mother(ex circus) and his father(circus) got it. As you continue us on why the circus is losing supporters, the "townies" will start to get it also. It is no more worth mentioning then then other knowledgeable insight that may be acquired in that great hall of learning, called belly up.

Anonymous said...

What in hell do you mean "showfolks slobber" You made a big deal about meeting me at our club and enjoying the fellowship. I thought you were sincere. Now the leopard or tiger shows its stripes. And we met you at the appointed time quite cordially as I recall. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with you "no spin blog" what a joke. Please refrain from referring to me pro or con. I have nothing to offer and will be happy this nightmare is over.

OrMaggie77 said...

You forgot....Well at your age they say the memory is the second thing to go....LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

It was more then a big deal, I was very proud. You do back on Buckles Blog, and you look at where this started and by who. Because I questioned MC judging protocol doesn't mean I I don't like the circus. As you saw many also question it, but were afraid to address it, like they are afraid here. Many also thanked me because they learned so much. But it was I who took the hits to learn as well as every one else. When I ask about Clyde Beatty, and others I am looking for what subjugation is and what training is.
I have also asked you why there are no High School(in an effort to not be high line)in America any more, and why we have to go back so far to find examples, because you are an authority on the subject. Flooring has been ruled out by you, suggested as a reason, and you still won't answer. Who am I supposed to ask? I ask they give an answer, and you attack. But still no answer. I will ask again, John. What is the answer. Also who is John Helliott?
A picture of a younger performer with an elephant Patty Zerbini on the Gold show comes up last month with a wonderful glowing review, and there are 3 responses. I anonymous criticizing her elephant tubs, me telling the anonymous to mind there own business, and one thanking the Woodcocks for the years on the big apple. A picture of someone who died long ago, may they rest in peace, and there are over a dozen comments on the wonderful act, and the person which is fine, John. Next time you have the audacity to suggest I don't respect the past, I will just suggest that you don't respect today or the future. Where is it John. The future. What led it to this point? Do you think we should turn it around. Or doesn't the past respect the future. Please answer the High School issue
and address who you contemporaries are.
With respect,

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think the blog does address you pro or con, unless it is defending itself. As one of the intentions of the blog was to be a place to address training issues, I think you do have something to contribute. Such as why there are no High School horses today like there were years ago. Why did a lot of them leave, and go into the horse field outside of the circus. That would seem disrespectful to me. I have asked for pictures of Anthem, and also wonder if you have any of the NSH's. I don't have any and think they should be included along with the other fine liberty acts we have posted.