Tuesday, April 29, 2008

1994--Show biz retirement year.

There were a lot of people they could have gotten John. The man I emulated, admired, watched for years, now I am given his act upon his retirement. What better time for me to retire also. Why don't you perform any more? I'll let the people reading these pages decide. What is it I could possibly be jealous off? Remember that word was thrown quite freely in the MC Standards debate, until it was pointed out that I was asked, but declined. What is it I could possibly be jealous off? What part of my dream did I not achieve, except finding a standard to compete against. Center ring, which is apparently held so dear, I didn't know that. I spent my whole career there, and didn't know it was that much of a deal. That's taking things pretty serious. When there were 3 ring elephant display, I always had a big act and just went there. Except the two times I worked with Lee and Tommy. But I was happy to move for Tommy.


Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I should have mentioned. The tiger I am standing behind is King one of the tigers you asked about.

Anonymous said...

I was not aware that you retired. I retired for some personal reasons and when I realized I was too old to do justice to the various endeavors I was involved with. Time for the new generation of my family and others. I note that with the fewer circuses on the road that sadly it is not a very good career move for our younger generations. It never was a picnic at its best.

Anonymous said...

Wade, Thank you for this. There's only one more thing I am puzzled about, and we may never know the exact answer. There were two males, King and Saber, and two females, Madress and Princess, as you told me. One brother-sister pair came from Omaha, and another brother-sister pair came from Columbus. Would you know exactly which was which? You really have had a brilliant career!
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

What did you think I did from 1994, until John called me to come back in 2002. Circus? I go to Evanville once a year at request, not because I am back performing. Then new generation is what I thought also. Let's leave them alone. Let not keep the picnic the same for them. Let it change for the better.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
King and Princess, were from Omaha, and Madress and Sabre were from Columbus

Anonymous said...

Wade, will you be performing at Evansville this year?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
No last year was my last. I went there the past 5 for Mr. Cuneo.
I had retired in 1994, but when I came back here an act was not ready so I went as a favor. It became like the good old days for him, and literally a second Christmas each year. He has another act that works is Hammand each each, and he has never seen it. In 5 years he has seen it work once, and practice 3 times. He has seen my son work once, and practice 5 times. Two times a week, Wensday and Saturday, from 10-3 he helps me practice and each year we went to Evansville. We have both grown old.
Wade Burck

DanTheBooker said...

Mr. Burck, If i may, who will be replacing you at Evansville?

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome. Full name next time please.
And call me Wade. I really don't know. Animal acts are getting fewer and far between.

DanTheBooker said...

Thanks for the info

Dan Hinnenkamp