Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Congo Gorilla Forest"--Bronx Zoo in 1972 and 1906

Above is Patty Cake, who was born in 1972 in the Central Park Zoo. Patty Cake was the first Gorilla born in New York City. She later went to live at the Bronx Zoo and the Congo Gorilla Forest. In 2008 Patty Cake was 36 years old(one year older then Ota Benga lived) and has had 8 offspring including twins, and is a Grandmother. She is happily ruling her roost, but just in case she hear's about the 144 speakers issuing Rain Forest rumbles at the San Diego Zoo, and her demeanor changes, as a safety precaution all handgun's are kept under lock and key. The only good mistake is a new one. That's what I think anyway. LOL

Above is Ota Benga who was born in 1881 in a forest along the Kasai River, in what is today the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In 1906 he went to live at the Bronx Zoo. He never got to move to the Congo Gorilla Forest, but the Director Dr. William T. Hornaday did allow him to occasionally "leave his cage and circulate around the zoo in a white suit." Ota Benga died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in 1916, apparently despondent that he could not return to Africa.(Go figure?)


Anonymous said...

Wade: Patty Cake is dead now. She created a sensation at the time of her birth at the Central Park Zoo by becoming only the second baby gorilla in history to be cared for by her mother (After Jambo at Basel Zoo who I'm sure you know all about) in captivity, but she later suffered a broken arm and had to be raised by humans like other baby zoo gorillas. Do you ever hear from Mary Ann these days? I don't think she ever answered Jerry Blackman and Sarah Hartwell has not heard from her. Take care. Sincerely Paul

Wade G. Burck said...

I have heard nothing from Mary Ann.

Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Hello again Wade,
I reached out last week, and just wanted to follow up and see if you received my email. I'm happy to tell you more about the project if you had any questions or concerns.

Wade G. Burck said...

Yes, I received you email. I apologize for not responding right away and it may be a week or so. I am on my way to China next week and am overwhelmed with the planning. I have forwarded some of the questions to Josip Marcan, who may be able to help.

Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

No apologies necessary! Just making sure you got it. Thanks, and have fun in China.