Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do we have to ask, "why don't they like it anymore?"


Steve said...

I'm sure I heard this music at a funeral. Didn't see the bloke in a dress though.

Wade G. Burck said...

I didn't realize it was a bloke. He doesn't move like a bloke.

Anonymous said...

Wade: This is the African-South American trainer called "Nietsche" that is presenting Doug Terranova's tiger act on various Shrine shows, after spending a couple of years on Universoul. I saw the act on Grumpy Kimes' Shrine date in St. Paul, MN this past April. The "dress" is old wardrobe of Doug's that actually is designed after Roman Armour with a tunic. It looked a bit large on the trainer when he wore it, while other wardrobe used looked much better. I thought the act was dreadfully slow when I first saw it, but it did grow on me after seeing it several times. I shot a lot of photos of the show and the act looked great in the stills that I shot. Maybe I have a good eye or maybe the camera lies, I don't know which. Hope you're well!
Neil Cockerline
Minneapolis, MN

Wade G. Burck said...

I am very fine, thank you. Did the "act grow on you", or did you become friendly with the presenter, and thus the act seemed better? LOL A lot of acts have been "over inflated" due to that phenomena, as well as looking better in stills then in action.

Jim A. said...

Maybe watching this act is like going on a diet. The first time your plate has very little food. After a week the same amount of food begins to look like a decent portion. Must be some theory that time can change your standards.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's very good. If that's all there is, it ain't half bad sometimes. LOL

Anonymous said...

I went to thye kitchen, heated a coffee in the microwave and when i came back he was still doing the lay down. Probably a good time to take a leak or visit the concession stand.

Wade G. Burck said...

Good point, but none the less, you have to use your name, or email me at wburck3@aol.com and explain why it is unwise to use your name.
Wade Burck