Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ringling Bros. Circus Train

As Adaline mentioned Ringling uses various train companies and their engines, depending on what part of the country they are in.

Stock Cars

Generator Cars

Concession Cars



Vincent said...

Thanks for all the effort and time you have put into the Blog/Site. I have been a die hard circus fan since seeing the red unit in 1971, featuring Gunther and Wolfgang. This site is somthing I have been searching for for quite some time.

Your photographs,commentary and insight are very much appreciated. I look forward to the postings to come.


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you very much for your thoughts. It is indeed my pleasure, as I have met some great folks. How could anybody not look at Ringling back in the 70's and not get knocked off their feet. It grabbed me like a magnet, and still won't let go. LOL