Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Togni Family--Does anyone know where and when this event took place?


Anonymous said...

Wade this is Flavio, Christina and Daniele Togni on the Circo Americano under a tent I think. As they produce the almost the same show every winter it's difficult to find out where and when this picture was taken.


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. Three rings in Europe!!! I am very impressed. The name Circus America seems most appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Wade, they use the name Circo Americano when they are in Italy and American Circus in other countries. It's no more a real 3 rings show. I think they use them only for the liberty horses and maybe an other display but most of the time it's a big oval suface (like The New Cole Bros.).

Is that correct that Carson & Barnes will go next year on the road with a one ring show instead of 3 ??! Seems to be the end of the big 3 rings US shows!


Wade G. Burck said...

Carson and Barnes have gone to two rings a couple of times in the past. I hope they do go to one ring, as they may find out how much easier it is to make a buck and get it over the road with only the one ring. They will also find that it will give the illusion of grandness in the smaller one ring format. 5 pounds of garbage looks like a lot in a 1 pound bag.