Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cirkus Fliegenpilz

Ringling used this exact same poster in 1992-1993 to promote the 1st Cossack act in the United States. Fliegenpilz used it in 2007. I guess new and innovative means wait for 14 years and hope they forget. I wonder why they shut down last year, and rented their animals to another show? Anybody have documentation of a show here calling it's self Circus Europe like Cirque American does in Italy or Circus Monte Carlo like Circus Las Vegas does in Ireland, or scrounges poster formats from their low life/hillbilly/unsophisticated brethren do in the United States please forward it. I know an white tiger act that was billed over there for 4 years, as being "direct from Las Vegas", based on the notion that the act played a back lot in Vegas for 10 days each year. Just a bit more of the sophistication and intellectual standard that Mutt Jando points out we lack in America!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fliegenpilz (literal translation is "Flying mushroom"!) was using the title "Mongolian National Circus" last year. It didn't do very well. And i understand it hasn't done very well under its own name this year. So whether it goes out next year remains to be seen.
