Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Joey Frisco and Wisdom Don't Belong Together In the Same Sentence!!!!!


  1. If it weren't for scrubbing toenail filing and trunk salutes - oh, and I forgot tires - what would there be for press releases?

  2. Anonymous,
    You apparently don't know much about publicity. One of to things occur. The show/zoo either contact's the tv/newspaper and say's "here's what we are doing, are you in?" or the tv/newspaper contacts the show/zoo and say's "we are interested in doing a story on such and such. Is that possible?" As a rule it is the show/zoo contacting the press. They need them, not the other way around.



  3. Oh come on wade! The elephants are in the wisdom tribe. I'm just the shit shoveler:)

  4. Joey,
    Oh, I didn't understand..... You actually did quite a good job, which is surprising, putz. :) Not your usual bda, bda, bda babbling moron self. I guess all it takes to break a chimp from throwing shit, is to put him in a tuxedo. Civilizes him real quick. Are Nicole and Ilana going to keep you for all the big market publicity from now on? You will be more refined then Tim pretty soon. Make sure you keep your tire handy and ready to go on a moments notice.


  5. Maybe Columbus is an anomaly, Wade, but the only releases we get from the show when they're in town are about the animal walk and opening night. We usually have to call to set up interviews with the likes of Mr. Frisco and others, as well as getting into the arena to shoot set up, tear down, etc.

    Last year Joey did several interviews with us over the course of the show's run, and all were great.

    Can't wait to see the new show when it comes our way. It's not the RBBB shows of my childhood, but my daughter sure loves them.

    Best to all, Ross M from WBNS TV

  6. Ross M from WBNS TV,
    Welcome. I don't think Columbus is an anomaly(unless you want to count Jack Hanna or Colo, although Colo is more of an anomaly, and Jacks more of a nitwit) as much as "times they are a changing." There used to be "press packets" sent out. High dollar collector folders featuring certain performers or act's with 8 X 10 glossy's, extensive bio's, listing of other feature stories/tv shows they had done, etc. etc. Now it is more playing nationalities to certain markets, ie Colombian, Brazilian, Argentinian animal trainer to Hispanic markets, Polish, Bulgarian, etc. to those markets.
    Did you ever expect the day to come when the Greatest Show on Earth would say, "we would like to give you a Gunther Gebel Williams, or a Miguel Vasques to talk to, but we can't. We hope you will accept instead Joey Frisco!!!!!!" Good Lord, who ever saw that travesty coming? Best you tv folks can do now is ask, and they will do their best to scrounge something up. They are certainly capable of scrounging as you confirm, because Joey seems to have been their go to guy on numerous occasions. I am not familiar with the demographics of the Hillbilly market, but it must be more extensive then I assumed if they can use Joey more then once, and get away with it. :)

