Thursday, December 15, 2011

For Radar--Hugo Elephant Escape Update


  1. From the days when the practice on CB of curing runaways was to trim the foot pads down so low that running on rough ground was painful. I wonder if Lilly got cured.

  2. Wade, The Lion Man is a reality TV show from New Zealand about Zion Wildlife Gardens. You've posted stuff about the "Lion Man" on your blog previously. Sincerely Paul

  3. Anonymous,
    They must have missed Isa and Lilly. They ran as fast as an Indian Fakir over hot coals. Cactus and rocks is pretty rough ground.


  4. Paul,
    Yes, but I thought it was a new "lion man" as someone asked. A lot of nitwits are taking a "cute and charming" name of late since the advent of the biggest waste of time in the world, reality TV.


  5. Wade, I couldn't agree with you more about reality TV, although I suppose The Lion Man could also be viewed as a documentary series about the running of a zoo. The funny thing about the Lion Man is that he really looks like a lion. He has a lion's face. It's like how they say people look like their dogs or start resembling their spouses, supposedly. Anyway a little birdie whispered in my ear some time ago that the Lion Man got his white tigers from a private breeder in Florida. I thought it more likely than not that that would have been Josip Marcan. I asked Zion Wildlife Gardens and they refused to say. I was just curious. It doesn't really matter. My source is 100% realiable. Thank you for the replies. I really like all those gorilla portraits you posted. The significance of that picture of Snowflake's first great grandchild with the albino finger tips didn't hit me right away. That's incredible. Sincerely Paul

  6. Paul,
    Do you know how many private breeders there are in Florida with white tigers? That's why the "new bloodline" deal was always very laughable to me. Josip's animals are not cheap, and many people after going to him first end up buying elsewhere.
    The gorilla with the white finger's give the world something to hope for, doesn't it?


  7. Wade, Thanks for the reply. That baby gorilla picture is fascinating. I hope you had a good Christmas. Happy New Year. Sincerely Paul
