Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For Jim Alexander

On the subject of old and maybe it's time for a beret, I should think "Kassle's" Bears are about due.


  1. When the subject comes up I tell people I've known Jimmy so long he had dark hair and there was less of him. Of course then there's was a little more me but I had hair, and it wasn't gray.

    Jimmy and I were introduced by Tony Smaha Jr. when they played the St. Louis Police Circus for Fleckles, my guess is 1968. His bear act resembled the one in the photo, like the gimmick on the motorcycle. His act has evolved to be one of the best. He's a student of the training business and always coming up with a new trick, prop, or truck part.
    Being related to people of the Corporation shows, where Jules spent a few years, he would no doubt be honored and qualified to wear a beret.

  2. Hey Wade!
    Merry Christmas! May your New Year be filled with blessings and ever more adventures!

  3. Jim,
    I have known him almost as long. Not quite 150 lbs ago like you, but easily 100 lbs ago, plus I got to watch the hair change color. Then he turned into Stromboli and stole my eldest son and took him to Pleasure Island. He'll tell you how to train any animal, even if you don't ask, he'll tell you. :)


  4. Bruce,
    Thank you, and the same to you. As long as I have been living it, life get's better each year, so I am expecting more adventure, better then the last. Adventures are like ex wives and girlfriends, the next one is the best one.

