Friday, August 5, 2011

How much has the world changed???

Peter Bennsinger and Mrs Pierre Blouk present a Rhinoceros Foot made into an ashtray to Marlin Perkins and his wife as they are about to leave the Lincoln Park Zoo to work at the St Louis Zoo Sept 21 1962


  1. Mr. Perkins also had an elephant foot waste basket. Photos of Mr. Perkins at his desk would show a zebra hide on the wall.

    Just the rule of the day. Most zoo people of the day had similar items. I had a few I wish I could find now.

  2. Jim,
    I never should have stopped being "the rule of the day." It is an insane world that is offended by a legally owned/taken dead animal part used after said animals demise. Performing animals, that's a different deal. But an exhibit animal? Come on give me a break, what harm is really done.
